The Evergreen State College
Community of Self Program
Last update- Mon, Feb 3, 1997 2:28 PM PST
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New this week
Other stuff from the past...
- Release time for those who need to collect data: no workshop Wednesday, November 20th, 8-10 am. Turn in Status Report (coding sheet + results section) on Wednesday. (11-14)
- We have been unofficially told that there is a high probability of getting the schedule we asked for winter quarter. Official notice should come Thanksgiving week. (11-14)
- Adam has a collection of graduate school catalogues, pamphlets, and fliers from the University of Washington, Antioch, Saint Martin's College, California Institute of Integral Studies, Eastern Washington University, and Seattle University.
If would like to look at or donate info from these or any other graduate schools, please let Adam know. (11-13)
- Adam has American Psychological Association (APA) and Western Psychological Association (WPA) applications. If interested, contact him. (11-11)
- Gordy mentioned that the library E-mail account on the cards we were given at library lecture were incorrect. I found the real internet address for library
Contact Adam if you want a copy of the library address and the addresses of two helpful sites for writing papers. (10-23)
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Made by: Tom Link & Jennifer Kofkin
Last modified: Mon, Feb 3, 1997 2:28 PM PST