The Birth of the Sun
by Milu Karp
    Our Sun as we see it today has been growing for some five billion years.  It is a star born of the same material as all of the other stars in our Universe, but our Sun has pulled our unique planets into its orbit and has given life to our planet Earth.  To us it appears as a solid glowing sphere, but at a distance of 93 million miles away, it is a pulsating, rotating mass of hot plasma.  Our Sun was born from the remnants of past stars, a continuing process of death to life in an ongoing cycle of stellar birth.
The Sun is Born in a Cloud of Dust and Gas
It is believed that our Sun was born within the cloudy remains of a supernova (Kaufmann, p.251). A supernova is the violent explosion and eventual death of a massive star.  As these remains of supernova burst through interstellar medium, the medium glows with excited atoms.  As with the birth of our Sun, the supernova remains came into contact with a molecular cloud and squeezed the material to a point of enough pressure to form dense seeds of individual clouds.  Within these large clouds, gravity allows small clumps of gas and dust to form by mutual attraction that continue to collapse to form interstellar clouds.  The temperature in each of these clouds must be cool enough to allow gravitational collapse to continue, because if the temperature is too hot, pressure inside the cloud will overtake gravity's pressure and stars will never form.  Inside these clouds, very compact regions called dense cores exist, with temperatures in the cores ~10K (Kaufmann, p.252), cool enough for gravity to take control.  One molecular cloud may contain thousands of dense cores, eventually becoming huge collections of new stars, called open clusters.  The fraction of the dust and gas that is actually converted into stars is only 25% on average, and the more massive new stars in the open clusters heat up the remaining gas up to a temperature of 10,000K, which drives the excess gas and dust out of the cluster (Iben, p.37).
 A New Sun takes Shape
Because the temperature inside these dense cores is so cool, gravity continues to control the new star's growth and the new star collapses even further and at the same time gathering material from the surrounding area.  The outer layers of the stellar body collapse inward as well, but at a much slower rate.  The glowing object is now a protostar, and its core develops a very large mass as accretion onto the star continues for several thousand years.  Matter falls in from the surrounding shell, but pressure from radiation and material flowing off of the dense core keeps this shell matter from ever reaching the center.  The Sun, as a protostar, has the same mass as the present day Sun, but its diameter is five times larger than today (Kaufmann, p.253).
The Adolescent Sun
After several thousand years, accretion ceases and the new star is now called a pre-main sequence star.  In this stage of the Sun's life, contraction begins again, but much slower than before, until the temperature in the core reaches some ten million Kelvin (Kaufmann, p.254), at which point the core is hot enough for hydrogen fusion to begin.  The process of creating helium from hydrogen fusion exerts sufficient energy to finally stop gravitational collapse onto the core.  Hydrogen will burn in the star's core for tens of millions of years, and eventually the outer shell of the pre-main sequence star diffuses, and the hot core is exposed to open space.
The Sun as We Know It
A point is finally reached when the outside gravitational pressure of the star is equal to the inside thermal pressure of the star's core, a state called hydrostatic equilibrium (Kaufmann, p.259). It is at this moment that the Sun is said to be born, now a main-sequence star.  Our Sun will remain as a main-sequence star for ten billion years.  At present day, the Sun has already been in this stage for ~five billion years, so it has only five billion more years remaining before it begins to die. Hydrogen continues to fuse into helium in the core during these ten billion years, until no more hydrogen is left to burn.

Our Sun, as we see and feel it today is comprised of individual layers (Kaufmann, p. 207-208).  Above the Sun's core is the photosphere, the layer that emits the majority of visible light that we can see from Earth.  The two layers that surround the photosphere are transparent to visible light, so therefore we can see right through them.  Above the photosphere is the chromosphere, which is only visible to us during a soloar eclipse as a dim pink layer around the shadow.  The final layer is the corona, so thick that it actually has a width of several million kilometers above the chromosphere.  Sunspots, seen as small, dark spots against a bright orange surface, exist on the photosphere layer of the Sun.

................................................................................................................................................................................................. The Sun's Death
At the point of hydrogen depletion, the star's core will no longer be able to support the weight pushing in from all directions and the helium core will collapse, become even hotter.  The hydrogen in the shell falling inward will begin to convert to helium, a process called shell-helium fusion.  This shell will then move outward, dropping its converted helium onto the core that continues to contract.  The Sun then becomes a giant when the hydrogen fusing shell heats up and swells outward into space.  Our Sun will expand to the size of Earth's present orbit (1AU) (Kaufmann, p.260).
A red supergiant is the name of the next stage of our Sun's death (Iben, p. 39).  It will be made up of almost pure helium in the core, with an expanding shell of hydrogen and helium.  It is called a red supergiant because at this stage, the Sun will glow red.  This expansion of the hydrogen fusing shell will increase the mass of the helium core, and this added mass will cause the core to contract and its temperature to rise.  Temperatures in the core will reach some 100 million Kelvin.  Helium fusion begins, creating carbon and oxygen (Kaufmann, p. 262):
    He + He + He ---------> C + y(energy)

Carbon will then fuse with other helium atoms to make oxygen:
    C + He --------> O + y(energy)

This sudden fusion of helium is called a helium flash (Iben, p.39).  After a helium flash, which will occur several times, the star will contract as its energy output decreases.  The giant is then very hot, but because it is small in size, it is also dim.  The core will soon be converted entirely into carbon and oxygen, and it will shrink once again, heating its shell.  Then the helium shell outside the core will undergo helium fusion.  Several helium flashes will occur, each separated into rest periods of some 300,000 years.  This helium shell will grow thicker after every flash.  A single flash is then all it will take to overcome gravity and the outer layers of the star will be pushed off of the core and into open space.  The remaining object of glowing gas will then be a planetary nebula.
Eventually the helium in the core will be used up, and the core will then contain oxygen and carbon nuclei.  At this point, the Sun is hundreds of times larger than its present size, with a low surface temperature.  This is called an Asymptotic Giant Branch star (AGB) (Iben, p.40).  This AGB star will pulsate.  Matter is lost from its surface in winds, which blow away in them such things as carbon and dust grains.  The winds carry in them material that will eventually form future stars.  The Sun will remain in this phase for many hundred thousand years.  Rapid collapsing raises the core temperature to some 100,000K, causing the exterior gases to fluoresce.   The burning of hydrogen in the nebula's center will eventually end, and a white dwarf will be all that remains of the core: a cool, carbon-oxygen rich mass of cinder.


Iben, Icko Jr., "The Lives of Stars: From Birth to Death and Beyond," December 1997, Sky and Telescope
Cohen, Martin,  "In Darkness Born," Cambridge University Press, 1988
Cooke, Donald A., "The Life and Death of Stars," New York: Crown, 1985
Shklovskii, Iosif S.,  "Stars: Their Birth, Life, and Death, " San Fransisco: W.H. Freeman, 1978
Mitton, Simon, "Daytime Star, the story of our Sun," New York: Scribner, 1981
Kaufmann, William J., "Discovering the Universe," W.H. Freeman and Company, 1996