(courtesy of the Wilcox
Solar Observatory)
Discovering the existence of magnetic fields on the
*Zeeman discovers that magnetic
fields split spectral lines
*Hale uses Zeeman technique
on solar spectrum and discovers strong magnetic fields on the solar surface.
*Astronomers use satellites
and spacecraft to analyze the sun's magnetic fields
Magnetic fields, solar plasma, and radiation
*Nature of plasma (ionized
gas, free electrons)
*Magnetic field lines created
by plasma motion in the solar interior.
*Mutual annihilation of
magnetic fields produce intense heat and energy
*The solar corona heated
by tangled magnetic fields, coronal holes.
Reversed polarities and the magnetic field
*The sun's polarity changes
every eleven years
*Differential rotation of
the sun creates tangled magnetic lines
Unraveling the magnetic fields: possible explanations
of the inexplicable
*Rebirth of the solar magnetic
field every eleven years
*Toroidal fields are sloughed
away and magnetic reconnection restores the poloidal field
*Possible explanations for
observed solar phenomena
Discovering solar magnetic fields
In 1896 physicist Pieter Zeeman discovered a special
relationship between spectral emission lines and magnetic fields.(Kippenhahn,
R.; pg. 98) Spectral emission lines are brightly colored
lines on a spectrum that correspond to the energy released from excited
electrons of certain elemental gases. The most commonly recognized
emission line is the hydrogen alpha line in the red area. This is
most likely because hydrogen is the most common element in the universe.
Zeeman discovered that if a gaseous element was heated enough to exite
the electrons in the presence of a strong magnetic field, the resulting
emission line would be split in two or more segments. He also determined
that the strength of the magnetic field is directly proportional to the
width of the split in the emission line.
About ten years later a young physicist by the name
of George Ellery Hale discovered the Zeeman effect on emission lines of
the solar spectra. (Lang, K.R., pg. 77, 1997) Hale was responsible
for the invention of the spectroheliograph, an instrument used to measure
and analyze the solar spectra, as well as the development of the first
modern solar observatory at Mt. Wilson, California. He found that
when sunspots were observed through the spectroheliograph, the emission
lines were widely split; evidence of a strong magnetic field. In
fact, the results implied that the Sun produced magnetic fields that were
almost three thousand times stronger then the magnetic field of the Earth.
These discoveries were the very beginning of an entirely new branch of
physical and astronomical research.
Careful observations and tracking of solar features
led to many theories and models of the inner workings of the Sun and its
magnetic fields. Labs tried to recreate, on a much smaller scale,
the interactions between solar plasma, magnetic fields, and radiative transfer
through the Sun. Only in the past five years, with the implementation
of two spacecraft, Ulysses and SOHO, have scientists been able to make
significant progress in their understanding of the Sun's inner workings.
Launched in 1990, carried by the space shuttle Discovery,
Ulysses was designed to collect data from a unique orbit around the Sun.
Using Jupiter's powerful gravity field as a slingshot, Ulysses was swung
out of the plane of the orbiting planets and into an orbit around the Sun
from which it would be able to observe and collect data from the north
and south poles.(Wang, Yi-Ming, et al; pg. 464) As it takes
a long time to travel out to Jupiter and then to reach a position high
above the solar south pole, data from the polar regions did not start
to reach Earth until 1994. Approximately one year later on December
1995, SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) was launched into orbit
around the Sun. SOHO maintains a stationary orbit between the
Earth and the Sun, at a distance of about one million miles from the planet.(Lang,
K. R.; Scien. Am., pg. 40) Complimentary data from these two
satellites is helping solar physicists around the world to gain a much
better comprehension of what is really going on inside of our sun.
Magnetic fields, solar plasma, and radiation
Solar magnetic fields have profound effects on the
manner in which the Sun radiates heat and energy into the solar system.
It is the continuous process of the creation, merging, and destruction
of these magnetic fields that can determine how solar matter is flung out
into space, the speeds of the solar winds, and the pathways that charged
gases leaving the Sun will follow. Scientists also believe
that these twisting and chaotic fields are responsible for heating the
solar corona. (anon., Sky & Telescope; pg. 16; Lang, K. R., Scien.
Am. pg 40)
Although solar researchers do not understand exactly
how magnetic fields are created, they are certain that the movement and
flow of solar plasma in the convection zone and the photosphere play an
important role. Plasma is hot, ionized gas where the electrons are
stripped from the nuclei of the gas, creating an opposing charges in the
plasma. The electrons, moving independently of the nuclei, are pulled
to one side in the fast flowing motion of plasma. (e- e-
+ +) This creates the charge imbalance and in an attempt to regain
neutrality, the positive charge of the nuclei exerts a powerful force on
the electrons pulling them to the other extreme. The resulting oscillation
of charge sets up an electrical current that in turn creates the magnetic
field. The magnetic field lines passing through the plasma are frozen in
the plasma and are stretched in the direction that the plasma moves.
Likewise, magnetic field lines cannot penetrate any plasma that did not
contain them as they formed. (Kippenhahn, Rudolf
Current belief holds that magnetic field lines are
created near the base of the convection zone. This is at odds with
Babcock's dynamo theory, (Lang, K. R. pgs. 90-92), which (in
its simplest form) states that the solar magnetic cycles are caused by
the differential rotation of the Sun pulling the initially poloidal magnetic
lines into toroidal, or east-west lines. Babcock determined that
the Sun's internal magnetic lines lie just beneath the surface and when
they are twisted into the toroidal field, kinks and loops break through
the surface forming flares, spots, and prominences. However, as Lang
points out:
"Any dynamo generated
in the convection zone would therefore propagate radially outward, rather
a symmetric, churning motion from mid latitudes toward the equator."
(Lang, K. R.; pg 90-92)
Recent data collected from SOHO also seems to support the theory that
the fields are generated deeper in the solar interior than Babcock originally
supposed. In the same manner that seismologists can infer activity
far down in the earth's interior, helioseismologist are making new discoveries
about the interior activities and structure of the Sun, by analyzing sound
wave oscillations beneath the solar surface. They have been able
to determine that the plasma currents observed in the photosphere actually
run much deeper than previously hypothesized. (Graham, D.; Tech.
Rev. pg. 14) SOHO's observations show not only that
patterns found in earth's winds are evident in solar plasma flows, but
that :
"...great bands
of plasma slightly warmer than neighboring solar gases, dive deep into
the solar interior,
--then flow
back toward the equator, creating a circular gyre reminiscent of earth's
great ocean currents."
(Thompson, Dick; pg. 68)
fig. 1
Deep in the convection zone, in places where these
currents meet and converge, they have found pockets of strong magnetic
energy. Lang believes that is the tremendous force of the "churning"
ionized plasmas that force weaker magnetic fields to merge into stronger
concentrations of magnetic energy. (Lang, K. R.; Scienc. Amer. pg. 40)
The newly formed magnetic flux tubes are then carried up to the surface
by rising pockets of hot plasma in which they are frozen. These pockets
are now thought to resemble pancakes, rather then the spherical bubbles
observed in boiling water. Their shape is caused by friction between
the different rotational velocity of the faster convection zone against
the outer layer of the radiative zone, which is slower. (Graham,
D.; Tech. Rev. pg. 14: Glanz, J.; Science, Vol. 273 pg.179) All
of these modern observations and theories about the inner movements beneath
the solar surface have helped begin to solve a puzzle that has plagued
solar researchers for years.
In 1869, two solar researchers were observing the
spectrum of the corona during a solar eclipse. Both of them noticed a bright
green emission line in the coronal spectra. Nobody could identify
the element that would cause the emission line until 1941, when Swedish
astronomer Bengt Edlen proved that the emission line was caused by ordinary
iron atoms stripped of ten to fifteen electrons. The only way that
was possible was if the temperature of the corona was in the millions of
degrees kelvin. (Lang, pg.104 and 105) These results
were very difficult to accept. Nobody could understand how energy
traveling from a surface with a temperature of five to six thousand degrees
kelvin, could climb into the millions of degrees, especially in a gas that
was much less dense than the lower layers of the solar atmosphere. (Lang,
K. R.; Scientific American, pg. 40 ) Further explorations into the
Sun's magnetic field, lead scientists to the conclusion that somehow the
magnetic activity on the Sun must be responsible for heating the solar
corona. However, strong magnetic activity could only really
be observed on the solar surface during sunspot maximum on the eleven year
cycle. The coronal temperatures remain relatively constant regardless
of the eleven year cycle.
Reversed polarities and the magnetic field
For the past one hundred and fifty years,
solar observers have tracked times when sunspots, solar flares and prominences
appear in greater numbers and then drop down to almost no activity at all.
In a regular and repeated pattern, the Sun's cycle of activity and inactivity
exhibits itself in unvarying eleven year periods. The first
clues to the nature of the magnetic Sun came from careful analyzing of
the solar cycle. Babcock's model of the winding of poloidal magnetic
field lines was based on these cycles and the polarities exhibited by sunspots.
With new data transmitting all the time, theories must be recreated almost
yearly, but some mysteries still remain unsolved.
The end of each eleven year solar activity cycle
is marked by a reversal in the polarities of the sun's mean magnetic field.
This remarkable and unvarying pattern of solar activity has been observed
since the mid-eighteen hundreds and known to be determined by the magnetic
cycle since the early twentieth century. What is unknown and so far
inexplicable is how the seemingly random magnetic field generation
can give rise to such a predictable pattern. Even Babcock's simple
model of poloidal fields being wound up by the differential rotation of
the sun cannot answer why the polarities are reversed.(Kaufman, W. J.;
pg. 213; Kippenhahn, R. pg. )
Close to the solar surface, magnetic fields lines
are constantly being ripped apart and forced together by mutual attraction,
converging plasma currents, and solar storms. The strength of the
magnetic field near the surface can bend the magnetic "streamers" extending
from the poles in toward the equator. This concentration of magnetic
strength serves to keep hot plasma closer to the equatorial region, creating
an extremely hot belt of gas around the solar equator. (Lang, K. R.;
Science. Amer., pg. 40) The coronal holes in the polar regions
are also the source of the extraordinarily fast solar winds. Just
as the winds carry the magnetic fields outward, their path is also determined
by magnetic fields and they are pulled down toward the equatorial region
by the strength of the fields on the surface.
Untangling the magnetic fields: possible explanations of the
In an attempt to understand what causes the magnetic
poles to flip and how the poloidal field is recreated from the tangled
lines, solar researchers have built plasma models and analyzed computer
simulations of magnetic movement to help create theories to explain the
Sun's behavior. As new data from our solar satellites is looked at
and analyzed many of these theories must be modified or new ones invented.
It is generally well accepted that the Sun does
not have a primordial magnetic field, but that the magnetic field is recreated
each cycle.(Brummell, N. et. al.; pg. 1370) Differential rotation
can well explain how magnetic fields become tangled and how they can create
periods of extreme solar activity, but that is where the theory begins
to have problems. How can increased rotation lead to a simple poloidal
field and low activity? David Rust of John Hopkins University believes
that in order for the cycle to begin again, the sun must shed the toroidal
field like a snake shedding its skin so that the new simple field can emerge.
He bases his theories on twenty year studies of magnetic fields and plasma
models.(Glantz, J. pg. 1517) The shedding of the toroidal
field occurs because of helicity or twist in the magnetic field caused
by the churning currents of plasma where the fields are created. The fields
are twisted into a helix like a rubber band that has been wound up.
In his early model, the arches of magnetized field lines erupt through
the surface and reconnect, forming the simple dipole field. Excess magnetic
field lines break away and dissipate in the solar atmosphere. Due to the
fact that it would take longer than the time given in the solar cycle for
this to happen, he and other physicists were not happy with the theory.
When measurements of the spiraling magnetic field lines extending
out from the Sun were taken, they discovered that the spirals were ten
percent greater than could be accounted for by solar rotation; "-just
the amount expected if the sun were sloughing off its toroidal field in
the solar wind rather than dissipating it." (Glantz, J.; Science, vol.
269#5230, pg. 1517)
This new theory still relies on the helicity of
the magnetic fields, but instead of breaking apart and dissipating,
Rust hypothesizes that helicity is conserved. As pieces of the twisted
magnetic fields go unstable, they kink and break off, reconnecting with
other pieces forming an expanding toroidal field away from the sun. (Glantz,
J.; Science, vol. 269#5230, pg. 40) Eugene Parker of the University
of Chicago remarks that the theory is "rather interesting, but I don't
think they have proved their point yet."(Glantz, J.; pg. 1517)
There are many mysteries left to answer about the
sun's cycles and activity. Research in this field continues to be important
due to the strong effects the solar cycle can have on the earth's global
climate. With our technology in space and here on earth, it is important
to know how the sun may be affecting those power sources and furthermore,
it is important to be able to predict when magnetic storms may occur and
effect our technology. Hope is that as Ulysses and SOHO continue
to be our eyes in space, their observations will help make those answers
1.) Brummell, Nichols; Cattaneo, Fausto; Toomre, Juri;
Science Vol. 269#5229 pg 1370 (1995)
"Turbulent dynamics in the solar convection zone."
2.) Glanz, James; Science Vol. 273#(5272) pg 179
"Unruly sun emerges in solar observatory's first results"
3.) Glanz, James; Science Vol. 269#5230 pg 1517 (1995)
"Does magnetic twist crank up the sun's outburst"
4.) Graham, David; Technology Review Vol. 100#9
pg 14 Jan/Feb. 1998
"Blueprint of a Star: Innovations from the World of Technology"
5.) Kaufman William J.; Discovering the Universe;
1996, W. H. Freeman and Co.
6.) Kippenhahn, Rudolf; Discovering the Secrets of the Sun; 1994, John Wiley & Sons
7.) Lang, Kenneth R.; Scientific American Vol.
276 #3, pg. 40 (1997)
"SOHO Reveals the Secrets of the Sun"
8.) Lang, Kenneth R.; Sun, Earth and Sky; 1997, Springer - Verlag, Berlin, New York
9.) Reiner, M.J.; Fainberg, J; Stone, R.G.;
Science Vol. 270#5235 pg 461 (1995)
"Large-scale interplanetary magnetic field configuration revealed by
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10.) Thompson, Dick; Time Vol. 150#10 pg. 68 (1997)
"Eye on the Storm-Tossed Sun"
11.) Wang, Yi-Ming; Hawley, Scott H.; Sheeley, Neil R Jr.;
Science Vol. 271#5248 pg 464 (1996)
"The Magnetic Nature of Coronal Holes"
12.) anonymous; Sky & Telescope, Vol. 95 Issue #2, pg 16
February 1998
"SOHO sheds light on solar corona"