Go here for an interim report.
  "No supernova outbursts will occur; when the collapse starts, nothing can stop it; and in an amazingly short time we are left with a body which is so small but so massive that not even light can escape from it.  In other words, we have a Black Hole." -Patrick Moore from Black Holes in Space    

A black hole is the remnants of a once massive star that has been crushed in upon itself. A black hole usually forms from stars of 10 solar masses or greater.  When a star this massive runs out of fuel it does not follow the regular path to become a white dwarf, no when a star this massive runs of out fuel the outer layers start to fall inward with tremendous force, past the point of forming a neutron star until our once massive star has been transformed to a place in space-time where gravity is so great that not even light can escape its pull....

Black hole Q&A.

How do we locate black holes? 

Why do we care about neutron stars?

Theoretical implications of Black Holes.

Last Updated: 5/28/98

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