12.May.98 class:

  • Logistics:
  • Review exam
  • Key ideas from Ch.11 (Main Sequence and Giant Stars; Variable Stars )
  • Key ideas from Ch.12 (I.ow-Mass Stars; High-Mass Stars; Neutron Stars and Pulsars; Novae and Bursters ).
  • Derive __
  • Learning Through Discussion: roundtables
  • Ch.11: Lives of Stars

    11-1 Protostars and Pre-Main-Sequence Stars Stars form out of enormous volumes of gas and dust . Radio telescopes detect CO at 2.6 mm, calculate 1e4 H2 molecules per CO. Giant molecular clouds + perturbation -> dense cores -> propostars

    11-2 Supernova explosions in cold, dark nebulae trigger the birth of stars. Gravitational contractin -> heating (1e5 yrs)

    EYES ON ... Nebulae

    11-3 When a protostar ceases to accumulate mass, it becomes a pre-main-sequence star, which contracts more slowly (1e7 yrs for sun) till ignition

    11-4 The evolutionary track of a pre main-sequence star depends on its mass. Gravity in balances gas pressure out -> hydrostatic equilibrium. Large stars burn rapidly, less efficient (race cars). Small stars are more common and more efficient, burning slowly (economy models)

    11-5 Young star clusters are found in H II regions. EX: Orion Nebula. OB winds + UV -> shock wave -> stellar formation

    11-6 Plotting a star cluster on an H-R diagram reveals its age. T-Tauri are PMS, like sputtering campfire (not quite hot enough for MS)

    Main Sequence and Giant Stars

    11-7 Stars spend most of their lives on the main sequence. H Fusion + HSE -> MS

    11-8 When core hydrogen fusion ceases, a main sequence star becomes a giant. shell H fusion puffs uter layers -> mass lss

    11-9 Helium fusion begins at the center of a giant . 3 He -> C (and C + He -> O)

    11 -10 As stars evolve, they move on the H-R diagram . Ex Sun: Multiple He flashes -> hot and dimmer

    11-11 Globular clusters are bound groups of old stars. He flash -> horizontal branch. Turnoff point (+ mass) -> age of culser

    Variable Stars

    RR Lyrae = low-M post HE flash

    11 - 12 A Cepheid pulsates because it is alternately expanding and contracting. Henrietta Leavitt 1912: period ~ size~ luminosity -> distance! (used by Hubble)

    II - 13 Cepheids enable astronomers to estimate vast distances. Apparent magnitude + absolute magnitude -> distance.


    Discussion Questions from Ch.11: RQ# 5, 9, 12 (p.268)


    Ch.12: Deaths of Stars

    I.ow-Mass Stars

    12-1 Low-mass stars expand into the giant phase twice before becoming planetary nebulae.

    shell He fusion -> AGB. 300,000 yrs between He flashes

    12-2 The burned-out core of a low-mass star becomes a white dwarf. Can be hot or cold

    High-Mass Stars

    12-3 A series of different types of fusion leads to the creation of supergiants .

    C -> ... Silicon ... Fe ...

    12-4 High-mass stars die violently by blowing themselves apart in supernovae . Electron degeneracy supports against collapse until core exceeds Chandrasekhar limit (1.4 Ms). Collapse in a few seconds, ... gammas break down nuclei ... bounce off neutron core ... shock waves + neutrinos -> heavy metals

    Expansion for days

    12-5 Supernova SN 1987A gave us a close-up look at the death of a massive star

    12-6 Accreting white dwarfs in close binary systems can also become supernovae

    12-7 The remnants of a supernova explosion can be detected for centuries afterward

    Neutron Stars and Pulsars

    12-8 The cores of many Type II supernovae become neutron stars . Predicted by Zwicky ad Baade (1932), discovered by Jocelyn Bell 1967. 1054 SN -> Crab Nebula

    12-9 A rotating magnetic field explains the pulses from a neutron star

    12-10 Pulsating x-ray sources are neutron stars in close binary systems . Electrons in B fild -> bremsstrahlung -> x rays

    12- 11 Other neutron stars in binary systems emit powerful jets of gas

    Novae and Bursters

    accretion onto WD -> nova: (H fusion in acc. layer)

    accretion onto NS -> XRB (He fusion in acc. ayer)

    collision of NS or NS int BH -> GRB (last week)


    Discussion Questions from Ch.12: DQ 23, 24; RQ 3, 11 (p.290)




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