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Schedule -- Faculty and staff -- Books
TUE | 9.00 -12.00n | COM 209 | Performance Lab & Work In Progress Research Show & Tell |
TUE | 12.00 n | COM 361 | Drop-In Office Hours |
TUE | 1.00-3.00p | COM 320 | Seminar |
WED | 9.00 a | COM 308 | Puppet Demo and Clinic |
WED | 1.00-8.00 p | Annex or Shop | Individual Project Work |
THU | 9.00-12.00 n | COM 209 | Performance Lab & Work In Progress |
THU | 1.00 p-5.00 p | Shop | Tech. Theatre and design Workshops with Jill Carter and Ariel |
FRI | 9.00-12.00n | Shop | Production Lab |
Ariel Goldberger | Member of the Faculty | x6729 | COM 361 | arielg@evergreen.edu |
Vicki Arrington | Program Secretary Extraordinaire | x6605 | COM 301 | arringtv@evergreen.edu |
Patrick Owen | Performing Arts Coord. Extraordinaire | x6632 | COM 304 | owenp@evergreen.edu |
Jill Carter | Technical Director Extraordinaire | x6702 | COM 128 | carterjc@evergreen.edu |
Jacinta McKoy | COM Bldg. Manager Extraordinaire | x6074 | COM 303B | jacintam@evergreen.edu |
Information Room | Information, etc. | x6070 | COM 303A |
(One or two may change - available at the bookstore or get a library or used copy) We could also add some more if the group makes a decision. Feel free to read more!
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This page was last edited on 11.25.97
Please send any comments to Ariel Goldberger