
Project #1 - The Shadow Transforms



PHASE 1: RESEARCH Duration: week 1 and beyond.

Show and tell: TUESDAY Week 2

    Suggested steps:

    1. 1) Write a list of your apparent physical and personal traits. Write down all the ones you like and the ones you dislike, even some of those secret ones. Especially those. Keep the notebook handy so you can add traits during the day. Research "yourself". Find some pictures or images to complement the written ideas.
    2. 2) Write a list of your secret dreams and fantasies in a safe place. Did you ever wish you could do something really not permitted? Did you ever have fantasies you never shared (yes, those) lying at the edge of your awareness? Did you ever imagine yourself doing something you never dared to do and feel embarrassed to admit? Write it down, all of it. It does not have to be true, actually. Have fun, plumb the depths. Find some pictures or images to complement the written ideas.
    3. 3) Divide all the research into two parts. One part corresponds to the person that everybody knows as you. The other person is your alter ego, your shadow, and has all the other characteristics. Start imagining a person that could almost look like you, but only you would notice that person's minute differences in body and soul and everybody else may think that person is you. Maybe that person does not look anything like you but embodies your other traits. It could be a visual opposite (yin-yang style). Give that person a name. Find or create images to explore these ideas.
    4. 4) Imagine yourself alone, maybe dozing off. Suddenly, out of your shadow, your Shadow emerges and takes over your image. You have transformed. Do you change? What would your Shadow do once it takes over? Make-up an event.


Show and Tell: TUESDAY Week 2 -

Note: this schedule and these details may change.

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created by ariel goldberger -- last updated 10.15.97--