participants in the program have signed and agreed to the covenant.
(Parts of this section have been borrowed verbatim from covenants of past programs at Evergreen.)
I, the participant, being of sound mind, body , and in full possession of my mental capacities, do hereby agree to both the spirit and the letter of this document. I assert that, in the parts of my life that are committed to this team effort in student and faculty learning, I will choose those behaviours that further this venture.
ATTITUDE: I hereby choose to see assignments as opportunities; classes
as potential gifts, and learning as a first step in becoming the guide
in my personal life journey.
ETHICS: I hereby choose to behave within a code of ethics that includes:
honesty, full disclosure, mutual respect, cooperation, love of learning,
joy of diversity, affirmation of differences, task dedication, very hard
work, sharing , exchange of ideas, truthful speaking, mutual pride, meaningful
play, and full compliance with the Social Contract at Evergreen.
PARTICIPATION: I hereby choose to recognize that education at Evergreen
is participatory! Participatory education requires my continuous and committed
participation for others to learn, just as I require their participation
for me to learn. I understand that there is no middle position on this
issue. If I come to the program with a repertoire of known ways of dealing
with life, I hereby commit to finding new ways to do things, exploring
alternative ways of dealing with my work and finding better ways to learn.
Participatory education cannot take place otherwise.
COMMITMENT: I hereby choose to attend ALL classes and program functions
on time, fully prepared, reasonably clean, sober, not drugged, and open
to learning (mine and others). I will produce assignments by the deadlines
indicated and will prepare for class as requested by the faculty sponsor.
In the unlikely event that I miss a session due to well justified reasons,
I will endeavor to make-up the work in advance (no exceptions and get from
others the materials from the session missed. One dayıs absence will be
excused if I call the faculty sponsor in advance of the dayıs class session.
More than two absences will reduce the amount of credit I receive for this
program. Full credit for this program is 16 credits.
RESPECT: I hereby choose to express my understanding that truth is relative
and elusive. I understand that while I do not have to agree with the perceived
truth of others I must behave with respect and consideration for those
who express their views openly. I will strive to create a learning community
where expression of dissenting views is seen as an opportunity for learning
how to think and a chance to try different ways of thinking. I will endeavour
to express my views in a way that allows for examination and exchange of
LEAVING: I hereby choose to voluntarily leave the Program if I participate
in behaviour that violates this covenant and code of ethics. In the event
that I violate this covenant and I do not take action to voluntarily leave
the program, I understand that the faculty will be put in the position
of having to ask me to leave in order to preserve the integrity of the
program. If I am asked to leave, I have the right to appeal the decision
following the grievance procedure stated below.
CONFLICT RESOLUTION: I hereby choose to resolve all conflicts and disagreements
related to the program pursuing the steps outlined below. Step One: I will
address the person who has allegedly caused the conflict in a tactful and
direct manner, and attempt to resolve the matter promptly. If the issue
involves the faculty I will go to step two. Step Two: If step 1 is not
successful in resolving the matter, I will make the faculty aware of it
and ask for intervention. Step Three: If step 2 is not successful in resolving
the matter, I will bring the issue to the deans. After Step Three, I will
follow the grievance process as it appears in the Social Contract. If all
else fails, I agree to a final and binding process of arbitration using
a mutually agreed arbiter.
EVALUATIONS: I will write and present a self-evaluation and a faculty evaluation
at an evaluation conference every quarter during Evaluation week. As preparatory
work, I will write a page every week summarizing my experience as a learner.
I forfeit any credit if I do not present the evaluations.