Student Originated Software 1997-1998
Fall Quarter

A Software Engineering Course at
The Evergreen State College

Assignments for Week (November 10 - November 14)

Monday, 11/10

Seminar reading: Microserfs, Douglas Copeland.

Seminar writing assignment:

    This week we won't be writing on the book -- just enjoy it and be ready to participate in a spirited seminar on Monday.

    Instead we will be writing on our expectations for the project. You may be thinking that this is project overkill but we wanted to follow up on the possible outcomes that we discussed in seminar. Also we also want to have your thoughts recorded on paper so that we can discuss them in your evalutaion both at the end of this quarter and at the end of the SOS program.

    So, here is the assignment:

      Without naming the projects you're interested in or planning to participate in discuss your desired outcomes from the project and how to plan to ensure that they happen. You may also want to discuss some of your concerns and what steps you could take to prevent or at least diminish them. If you have any thoughts on actual ways that we could evaluate the progress you've made towards the desired incomes that would be a very good thing to discuss as well.

Tuesday, 11/11

OOP reading:
    Graphics & Media Objects Chapter 19, 20

    Run Time Error handling & Debugging Chapter 22, 23

OOP assignment: None

OOP Lab:

    If you have finished Binary Tree, Do: 19.5, 20.6, 20.9

    You can also Demo your HiHo Domain Model

Case Study document:
    Detail Design assignment: For two relatively complicated aspects of the case study (probably control objects) create a detail design. Use pseudo code for one and a graphical technique for the other.

    Hint: If you didn't grab the handouts from class (11/4) (especially my object list and the graphic structured flowchart conventions)

Case Study reading:

    Chapters 5 & 6 from Software Rx

Thursday, 11/13

Guest Lecture -- Models of Inheritance

OOP reading:
    Classes & Metaclasses Chapter 26
OOP assignment: Sherri's Workshop Examples

OOP Lab:

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