Student Originated Software 1997-1998
Fall Quarter

A Software Engineering Course at
The Evergreen State College

Project Proposal Template


Project Name or Current Identifier:

Jerry & Craig's game.

Outside Contact Person:

Jerry D. Vergeront Craig Jetton

Outside Contact Person E-mail:

Web Site:

Customer Organization (or user base):

Standard Demographics: usually males 15 to 35

Purpose of System:

Entertainment. A true marriage of the Sierra-type adventure and RPG games. A system that combines sharacters with attributes with puzzle solving & adventure.

Brief Description of System Functionality:

A computer game based in the late 1600's. Youa re a pirate/adventurer in the late 1600's. You have heard tales of gold that has been passed on by the spaniards during their conquest of the Aztecs. You learn that a huge cache of gold, hidden away from the Spanish invaders, exists somewhere... It's up to you to find it. Along the way, you will encounter various groups, establish alliances, and explore remote jungle areas.

Hardware and Software Platform:


Minimum System:

Potential -- Skills/Learning/Job:

Multi-Media, Director, Game Development

Follow-On Projects:

Other Pertinent Information( user interface, etc.):

For more information contact
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Created by: SoSwEbGrOuP