Student Originated Software 1997-1998
Fall Quarter

A Software Engineering Course at
The Evergreen State College

Project Proposal Template

Champion(s): Zach Gray, Rob Wright

Project Name or Current Identifier:

Scalable Database a.k.a "That Crazy Database Project"

Outside Contact Person:

Outside Contact Person E-mail:

Web Site:

None Yet...

Customer Organization (or user base):

Various: anyone needing a fast scalable database....
medical imaging, VR, etc.

Purpose of System:

A fast, scalable 3D database that is distributed across several machines.

Brief Description of System Functionality:

Will be implemented usind MS DCOM technology. Allows user to narrow/widen scope without performance loss or compromised data resolution.

Hardware and Software Platform:

PC/MS Windows

Minimum System:

This is the minimal system. Extra time will be used to implement interesting uses for the DB.

Potential -- Skills/Learning/Job:

Database manipulation, 3D graphics, distibuted systems, C++ coding, Microsoft!

Follow-On Projects:

Possibly create real-time 3D MUD...

Other Pertinent Information( user interface, etc.):

We have outside organizational help, this will help the project suceed...

For more information contact
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Created by: SoSwEbGrOuP