The Program
The Envisioning
Home Program was designed fro students who are artists and musicians
to find their "sense of place" in their work. Also, to
find out what 'home" and "place" means to them and
expressing it through art and music. The students in the program
are made up of Juniors and Seniors working at an advanced level.
They take what they already know or specialized in art or music
and take it one step further. Most of the students'
advanced work is work that they have done independently
ten or more hours a week to become more knowledgable and skillful
as artists or musicians. The programs weekly schedule consists of
lectures, guest speakers, gamelan, seminars, wood/metal shop, field
trips, and other workshops. The program also consists of two faculty
members; Joe Fedderson, who is the art faculty and Sean Williams,
who is the music faculty.
The two designers
of the program web site are Julia Wieser and Carol Hansen. Both
Julia and Carol are students of the Envisioning Home program and
they created the web site as part of their advanced work. You can
find more information about them by going to the Julia
and Carol Page.