Jenna Loughlin
Gina Malizia
Astronomy and Cosmologies, Spring 1999
E.J. Zita

    When looking up into the night sky, thousands of stars shine light from hundreds of light years away.  Ancient astronomers created shapes in the sky out of these stars so that they would be able to locate them night after night.  These shapes are known as constellations.  In this way, ancient cultures were able to observe the paths of these celestial shapes through the sky for hundreds of years.  Along with these constellations came myths explaining how or why the shapes were put in the night sky.  Ancient cultures across the globe connected the dots of the constellations differently, but two constellations that have been seen the same in multiple cultures are Leo and Orion.
    On a clear winter evening there are seven bright stars that stand out among all the others.  These stars comprise the constellation Orion, most well known as the Hunter in Greek myths.  The Greeks were not the only ancient civilization to see this group of stars as a constellation, however.  The Egyptians had beliefs as to whose soul was up in the sky.  In modern times, there have been many studies done on Orion’s stars because of a Nebula in Orion’s Sword that seems to be the birthplace of hundreds of thousands of stars.  Among these are six of the seven brightest stars in Orion.  In this way, Orion is a young constellation full of keys to discovering some unknown facts about the early stages of stars.
    The ancient Egyptians were a polytheistic culture that believed that their ruler, or pharaoh, was the son of Osiris, God of the Dead, and his wife/sister Isis.  In the legend of Osiris, he became king of Egypt and ruled with his sister.  However, Osiris had a jealous brother, Seth, who killed Osiris and cut up his body into pieces before Osiris had an heir to assume the throne.  Isis found all of the pieces of Osiris and put him back together by using her special healing powers and mummified him in order to bring him back to life.  Osiris did not stay alive for very long, but long enough for Isis to become pregnant.  She hid from Seth and gave birth to a son, Horus, who ended up taking the throne from Seth and became the first pharaoh.  Meanwhile, Osiris had changed himself into the constellation Orion, and ruled the Duat, or the Heavenly Kingdom of the Dead (Bauval, 92-94).  From this story, we know that the constellation Orion was to the Egyptians the soul of Osiris, called Sahu.  Dr. Otto Neugebauer and Dr. Richard Parker were the first to give solid proof that the ancient Egyptian’s constellation of Sahu was the same as our constellation of Orion.  Sahu was important to the ancient Egyptians because they believed that the souls of the dead pharaohs became stars and that, more specifically, they became stars within Sahu.  This is because Osiris rules the Kingdom of the Dead, and since his soul is Sahu, it would make sense that the Kingdom would be near Sahu (Bauval, 87-89).
    There has also been much speculation about how the pyramids themselves relate to Orion.  In the sides of the Great Pyramid of Giza are shafts that for years were assumed to be airshafts from when the Egyptians were building the pyramid.  However, with the recent research and focus on the ancient Egyptian’s astronomy, another theory has been brought forward.  Dr. Alexander Badawy, an Egyptologist, hypothesized that the shafts were windows to the stars.  Badawy asked for the aid of an astronomer, Virginia Trimble, in 1964 to calculate the necessary formulas that would tell them what stars would have been visible through a shaft in the King’s Chamber in about 2600 BC.  Her calculations showed that the three stars in Orion’s Belt would have been at the correct declination to have been visible though the shaft.  Trimble also calculated the declination for other bright stars in the southern sky and proved that no other significant stars would have been visible through the shaft.  This is strong evidence that the shafts were built as a way for the pharaoh’s soul to exit the pyramid and be on a direct route to becoming a star in Sahu (Bauval, 99-103).
    Modern scientists have their own myths and stories about the constellation Orion, except most of these deal with math and numbers rather than gods.  Another difference between the ancient and modern astronomers is that ancient astronomers studied the constellation as a whole, like what time of the year the constellation was visible while modern astronomers focus on the individual stars in the constellation.  The seven brightest, easiest stars to see in Orion are (in order of appearance):  Bellatrix; Betelgeuse; Mintaka; Alnilam; Alnitak; Rigel; and Saiph.  With modern equipment and knowledge (i.e. formulas), astronomers are able to estimate quite a bit of information about these far away stars.

 Bellatrix (beh-LAY-trix)
    Bellatrix, Latin for “female warrior” is the first star in Orion to rise and its Arabian name actually means “the leader.”  Bellatrix, or g Orionis, is a blue-white B2 giant III with an apparent magnitude of 1.6 and an absolute magnitude of -3.3.  It is about 300 light years from earth with a luminosity that is 1800 times our sun and a surface temperature of 23,000 0K (Beyer, 330-331).

Betelgeuse (BET-el-jooz)
    To me, Betelgeuse, Arab for “Armpit of Orion”, is the most interesting star in Orion.  It is believed that it is actually falsely named.  When translating the Arab, a B was used instead of a Y, and so the name of the star has come to mean “Armpit” instead of “Hand of the Central One.”  Betelgeuse, or a Orionis, is the one of two red supergiants visible in the Northern Hemisphere; the other is in the Scorpion.  However, specifics about this star vary because Betelgeuse is a variable star.  That is actually the reason it was wrongfully called the alpha star, even though Rigel is the brightest star in Orion.  Back in 1836, John Herschel was the first to call Betelgeuse a variable star.  He noticed that it became the brightest in 1936, 1840, and 1852.  Betelgeuse’s lowest recorded apparent magnitude was 0.2 in 1933 and also in 1942 although it usually ranges from 0.4 to 1.3 within a period of 6.4 years.  This change in magnitude is equal to a 200% change in brightness.  Betelgeuse is a yellow-orange M2 supergiant Ia-Iab that lies about 650 light years from earth.  It has an estimated surface temperature of 3,400 0K with an absolute magnitude of -5.7 and its mass varies from 10 to 15 times that of our sun.  It is usually the 17th brightest star in the sky and is estimated to be about 4-10 million years old which, as far as we know, means it is nearing the end of its life and could go supernovae soon.  The diameter change of Betelgeuse is what causes its luminosity to vary.  The range of its diameter change is 700 to 1,000 times our sun’s diameter and at its maximum diameter, if Betelgeuse were placed where our sun is, the star would reach beyond Jupiter’s orbit (Beyer, 342-343).

Mintaka (min-TAK-ah)
    Mintaka, Arab for “Belt of the Central One”, is the western most star (the star furthest to the right) in Orion’s belt.  Mintaka, or d Orionis, is a blue white B0 giant III with an apparent magnitude of 2.2 and an absolute magnitude of -4.4.  It lies about 800 light years away with a luminosity about 50,000 times greater then our sun with a surface temperature around 28,000 0K (Beyer, 344-345).

Alnilam (al-HIGH-lam)
    Alnilam, from Arab description “String of Pearls”, is the middle star in Orion’s Belt.  Alnilam, or e Orionis, is a blue-white B0 supergiant Ia that is about 1,600 light years from earth.  It has an apparent magnitude of 1.7 with an absolute magnitude of -6.7.  The surface temperature is estimated at 28,000 0K with a luminosity 40,000 times greater then our sun (Beyer, 346-347).

Alnitak  (al-nih-TAK)
    Alnitak, another Arabic word for “Belt”, is the last star in Orion’s Belt to rise (the eastern most or left-most star in Orion’s Belt).  Alnitak, or z Orionis, is actually a close triple star system.  The primary star is a blue-white 09.5 supergiant Ib with an apparent magnitude of 1.8 and an absolute magnitude of -6.4.  This star is 30,000 time more luminous than the sun with a surface temperature around 29,500 0K.  It is about 1,500 light-years from us and about 18 times more massive than the sun.  The secondary star in the system is 2.4 arcsec from the primary star.  This star is blue-white with an apparent magnitude of 4.2 and a mass of six times the sun.  The third star in the system is not necessarily gravitationally bound to the system.  Not much is known yet about this star due to lack of observation, but it is 58 arcsec from the primary star (Beyer, 350-351).

Rigel (RYE-jel)
    Rigel, Arab for “Left Foot of Orion”, is the brightest star in Orion.  Rigel has kept the same name since the 10th century, which is a very rare occurrence.  Rigel, or b Orionis, is the 5th brightest star in the sky with an apparent magnitude of 0.1 and an absolute magnitude of -7.0.  It is a blue-white B8 supergiant Ia that is 55,000 times brighter then our sun with a surface temperature of 10,100 0K.  Rigel is about 800 light years away, but if it were as close as Sirius (about 8.6 light years) it would shine 150 times brighter then Venus.  Even though this star is said to be the brightest star in Orion, it always looked dimmer than Betelgeuse to me.  The reason I think this is so is because whenever I observed Rigel, it was close to the horizon and so I was seeing it through light pollution which would make it seem dimmer (Beyer, 352-353).

Saiph (SAFE)
    Saiph is the last star in Orion to rise and marks the right knee of the giant.  Saiph, or k Orionis, is a blue-white B0.5 supergiant Ia with an apparent magnitude of 2.1 and an absolute magnitude of -6.8.  This star is the farthest away of the main stars in Orion at 2,000 light years with a luminosity about 45,000 times our sun and a surface temperature of around
27,000 0K.  Scientists have measured Saiph to be moving 21 km/s away from the earth probably due to an ejection from its cloud of birth (Beyer, 362-363).

The Orion Nebula
    When Gina and I observed Orion, we looked at both Betelgeuse and Rigel though binoculars and telescopes, but all that happened was we saw larger dots of light.  The really interesting phenomenon to find in Orion is truly the Orion Nebula.  The cloud of gas about 1,600 light years from earth is the birthplace of thousands of stars.  In fact, of the stars I mentioned, Betelgeuse is the only star not in the Orion B1 Association.  This Association is all young, hot, blue-white stars that scientists believe were made by the Orion Nebula.  The Nebula itself is about 30 light years in diameter and is faintly visible to the naked eye, if you know where to look.  The Nebula is located below Orion’s Belt, almost in between Alnilam and Alnitak.  It merely looks like a fuzzy spot and binoculars don’t make it much clearer, but when looking through a telescope the Nebula is much easier to pick out and view (Beyer, 355-357).
    This is a quick overview of what scientists of our era and those of centuries ago have discovered about the constellation Orion.  However, the constellation Leo, like Orion has many astronomical spectaculars!  In this section, the stars of Leo and their specifics will be discussed as well as ancient Egyptian cosmological understanding.
    One can locate the constellation Leo, the lion, easily by looking in the night sky in the early spring and summer months and finding a group of stars that resemble a backward question mark.  This configuration of stars is otherwise known as the “sickle” and if you look to the left of this sickle, a group of three visible stars form a triangle.  Together, the sickle and triangle asterisms form the head, mane, heart and tail of the lion.  This constellation definitely resembles a lion prancing across the night sky!
    Although it may seem silly to compare a group of stars to an image of a lion, the constellation Leo is in fact much more than it appears! Leo is a vast space within our universe filled with a variety of astronomical phenomenons.  Such events as double stars, binary systems, spiral and elliptical galaxies are all simultaneously occurring when we, as observers on Earth, look ‘above’ and see this lion.

What exactly is the Constellation Leo?
    Leo is comprised of over one hundred and sixty stars, although only about ten are visible to the naked eye.  Of these stars, Regulus, alpha Leonis, (or the little king), is the brightest, with an apparent 1.4 magnitude and an absolute magnitude of –0.6. It is a main sequence star. Regulus is located at the very bottom of the sickle and also happens to be the closest 1st-magnitude star to the ecliptic.  The late Copernicus gave the name Regulus to this star.  It is an estimated 90 light years away from Earth and has luminosity 110 times that of the Sun (Rao 2, p68)!  As our research revealed, Regulus is actually a double star!  There is a much dimmer, 7.9-magnitude star orbiting the 1st-magnitude star.  Seeing Regulus as a double star is impossible with the naked eye because the 1st-magnitude star is so bright that it outshines the dimmer one.
    Above Regulus, the star Algieba, gamma Leonis, (the lion’s mane) can be found.  This star is also a binary system, located about 85 light years away from Earth.  The brighter of the two is an orange-red giant with an apparent 2.2 magnitude and an absolute –0.4 magnitude.  The other star is a yellow giant with a magnitude of about 4.  The two stars in Algieba are “separated by a distance three times that of the distance between Earth and Pluto” (Berman 2, p81).
    The next brightest star found in Leo, aside from Regulus, is Denebola, beta Leonis (or the lion’s tail). It has an apparent magnitude of 2.1 and an absolute magnitude of 1.6. It is 40 light years away and 22 times as luminous as the sun (MacRobert, p 57). Denebola is a main sequence star.  Denebola is located at the very far west of the constellation in the triangle asterism.  Denebola is a blue-white star with a surface temperature of 8,900 degrees Kelvin.  Denebola is also a double star with a companion of 16th magnitude. (Beyer, p115)
    The star Zozma, delta Leonis (or the lion’s back), is located in the sickle and is an approximately 80 light years away from Earth.  It has an apparent magnitude of 2.6 and an absolute magnitude of 0.7.  It is 50 times more luminous than the sun and is a main sequence star.
    The triangle asterism in Leo contains what is known as the Leo Triplet.  These are “M65, M66 and NGC 3628 and are all spiral galaxies and lie 22 million light years away and are bound up in each other’s gravitational grip” (Sky & Telescope p26).
    These details on Regulus, Algieba, Denebola and the Leo Triplet all confirm that within the Constellation Leo there are an abundance of astronomical events occurring.  There are also many other dimmer double stars and binary systems within Leo.  For example, tau Leonis is a double star with one star at 5th magnitude and the other at 7th magnitude.  The binary system of omega Leonis is very interesting, the two stars revolve around each other with an orbital period of 117 years!  Other doubles include 88 Leonis, 83 Leonis, 90 Leonis, sigma 1521, Osigma 215, 81 Leonis, sigma 1399, sigma 1421 and sigma 1442. (Haas, Sissy and MacRobert p 77-8)
    There are also other galaxies within Leo other than M65, M66 and NGC 3628.  Both M95 and M96 are spiral galaxies and M105 is an elliptical galaxy!  All the galaxies within Leo are undetectable to the naked eye.  They look just like points of light in the sky, as do the other double stars and binary systems!

Ancient Egyptians Recognize Leo
    Looking at the night sky is a beautiful experience.  Thousands of stars are visible as specks a blinking color.  Some stars seem to fall randomly in the sky while others appear to have a very definite, familiar shape.  The constellation Leo is often referred to as a lion.  The stars are arranged in such a way that from the view on Earth they actually do resemble a very large lion. Leo is actually part of the zodiac, or the path of the moon through its revolution around Earth.  Leo has been seen as a lion for centuries.  One culture in particular that paid special attention to Leo was the ancient Egyptians.
    The ancient Egyptians made accounts for their observations of Leo.  For one, Leo was very close to the zenith of the sky in Egypt around the summer solstice between the dates of 2000 BC to 1 BC.  This is a good indication as to why the Egyptians greatly connected Leo with the arrival of summer.
    Ancient Egypt was an agricultural community.  They greatly depended on the irrigation of the Nile into their farmland to grow crops.  Because they greatly subsisted on farming this crucial role of irrigation was necessary.  Once a year the Nile would flood.  When this happened, the soil in the surrounding areas became very well nourished.  This fertile soil made the farming that supported their life and civilization possible.  At the time right before the flood, Leo was very close to the zenith of the sky.  In ancient times they believed that Leo’s purpose was to announce this flood.  For this reason the constellation Leo was admired and respected.  It is also suspected that the lions in Egypt migrated to the banks of the Nile during the hot summer months to gain relief from the intense heat.  This migration, which coincided with the constellation being overhead, was a very significant event.
    Another indication of the lion’s importance in Egyptian culture is that the sphinx was composed of the body of a lion and the head of a man. The sphinx guarded the pyramids, which were the tombs of the pharaohs, who were believed to become gods in their after lives.  The lion must have been greatly feared and respected to be placed in such an admirable position.
    In 1799, one of Napoleon’s officers discovered a sandstone medallion on the Temple of Isis at Dendera.  This sandstone medallion dates back to the 1st century BC and contains pictures of the zodiac, including one of the lion. The ancient Egyptians believed that after death, pharaohs went up to the sky to sleep with the gods.  By putting the zodiac on this temple, one can assume that the zodiacal constellations were very significant to one’s after life as well as life on Earth.
    Studying the cosmology of the ancient Egyptians has revealed that the shapes, today known as constellations, were, in ancient times, explanations for the events that governed their society, like the flooding of the Nile.  Today, much more is known about the composition of the constellation Leo.  It is fascinating to compare those beliefs of ancient times with our modern understanding.  This comparison can only make one wonder what will be discovered and understood in the coming centuries…


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