
    Allan, Sarah. (1991). The Shape of the Turtle: Myth, Art, and Cosmos in Early China. New York: New York Press.
(This is a well written book on how early Chinese cultures view their universe, symbolism, and art in early China.)
    Begelman, Mitchell C. & Rees, Martin. (1996). Gravity’s Fatal Attraction. New York: Scientific American Library.
(An excellent book on gravity, black holes, and stellar evolution. Gives history of discoveries and clear concise explanations of physics.)
    Canal, R. & Isern, J. & Ruiz- Lapuente (1997). Thermonuclear Supernovae. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
(Scientific analysis of supernovae data and physics of explosions.)
    Chevalier, Roger. A. (1997, May) Type II supernovae SN 1987 A and SN 1993J. Science, Vol. 276. Pp. 1374.
(Comparison of spectra between two supernovae and possible neutron stars or black holes at the center of these supernovae.)

    Clark, David H. & Stephenson, F Richard. (1977). The Historical Supernovae. New York: Pergamon Press.
(Scientific analysis of historical records of supernovae, and how they relate to modern science and visible remnants visible today. In general and scientific terms.)
    Dreyer, J.L.E. (1963). Tyco Brahe; a picture of the scientific life and work in the sixteenth century. New York: New York Dover Publications.
(Complete biography of Tycho Brahe)

    Hawley, John F. & Holcomb, Katherine A. (1998). Foundations of Modern Cosmology. New York: Oxford University Press.
(A book on recent developments in astronomy, and the historical development of modern theories on how the universe works.)
    Henderson, John B. (1984). The Development and Decline of Chinese Cosmology. New York: Columbia University Press.
(History of development of cosmological thought in different eras in Chinese history.)

     Jaschek, Carlos & Jaschek, Mercedes (1987). The Classification of Stars. New York: Cambridge University Press.
(Classifications of stars and spectra associated with classes in very scientific terms.)
    Kaufmann & Freedman (1999).  Universe (Fifth Edition). New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.
(Comprehensive astrophysics and astronomy Text)

    Kirshner, Robert P. (1997, Feb.) Supernova 1987A --- Observations. Sky and Telescope p.35
(Development of SN 1987A over time. Observations by HST. Elements produced in supernovae.)

     Menzel, Donald H. & Pasachoff, Jay M. (1983). A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.
(Star charts and practical guide to viewing as well as information on brightest stars in sky.)
    Moore, Patrick. (1973). Watchers of the Stars. New York: G.P. Putnam’s sons.
(Overview of European astronomers and history of European cosmology.)

      Murdin, Paul. (1993, June 24th) Supernovae can't be typecast. Nature, p. 668.
(Article discussing inconsistencies in the current supernovae classification system.)

    Murdin, Paul. (1990). End In Fire: The Supernova in the Large Magellanic Cloud. New York: Cambridge University Press.
(Supernova 1987A and a picture of how science interprets observations of this recent supernova.)

    Murdin, Lesley & Paul (1985). Supernovae. New York: Cambridge University Press.
(Good overview of history of supernovae sightings as well as physics and possible outcomes ,i.e. neutron star pulsar, black holes.)

    Nomoto, Ken’ichi & Iwamoto, Koichi. (1997, May) Type Ia supernovae: Their origin and possible applications in cosmology. Science, p. 1378
(Addresses the uses of type Ia supernovae in determining cosmological constants as well as the science of type Ia explosions.)
    Petscheck, Albert G. editor (1990). Supernovae. New York: Astronomy and Astrophysics library.
(In depth physics of supernovae: spectra, types, and radiation data. Very scientific.)
    Ren, Yong. (1998). Cosmogony, fictionality, poetic creativity: Western and traditional Chinese cultural perspectives. Comparative Literature, pp. 98-119.
(How a cultures cosmology effects it’s poetry and concept of it’s universe.  Good source on early Chinese thinking about their cosmos.)