Interim Report

    The main focus of our project is to look at Supernovae as one possible end result in stellar evolution.  Over the course of this quarter we’re trying to understand the historical significance of how different cultures in the past have interpreted supernovae, specifically the differences between how the Chinese and the European cultures incorporated supernovae into their cosmologies.  We’re also investigating the current scientific understanding of the physics behind how supernovae work and the conditions necessary for a star to go supernova.  And we will also observe stars that are in their last stages and we will try to determine whether they have enough mass to actually become a supernova and the possible outcomes (i.e. neutron star, black hole).
    Chinese and European cultures historically have had contrasting views of the structure of the cosmos in general.  Prior to Brahe and Kepler there are few supernovae recorded in Europe. This is a surprise considering there were many sightings in China, Japan, and the Middle East that should have been visible in Europe.  This is due to the prevailing view accepted in Europe, but put forth by the Greek philosopher Aristotle that the “heavens” are unchanging.  According to Aristotle the Earthly world was changing but the celestial realm of stars and planets was not. (Hawley and Holcomb p. 26)  The Chinese on the other hand viewed the cosmos as spontaneously self-generating with no outside forces acting upon it (Ren p.100).  Chinese Emperors relied on astronomers/astrologers to constantly observe and record changes in the heavens which were interpreted to be connected to future changes within the political arena, social stability, and natural phenomena.  Because of this, they recorded many celestial events including comets, meteor showers, changes in the weather, and “guest stars”.  These records give us the most complete and continuous astronomical record of events prior to Brahe and Kepler.
    Type II supernovae are one possible end result of stellar evolution.  It involves stars so massive that they produce high enough temperatures through gravitational energy to continue the chain of nuclear reactions beyond the main sequence.  These stars are known as giants but not all giants are massive enough to become a supernova.  In stars that develop iron cores that reach the weight of more then 1.4 solar masses, the electrons orbiting the iron nuclei do not provide enough force to hold up the mass of the star.  This causes the core to be compressed until it reaches nuclear density, the density in the nucleus of an atom.  The protons and electrons are fused together by the force of gravity releasing countless neutrinos. The sudden halt in the compression results in an outward moving shockwave that is contained by the outer layers of the star falling toward the core.  It is thought that the energy released in neutrinos is enough to propel the shockwave through the collapsing outer layers blowing off most of the outer mass.  The outer mass expands from the explosion eventually forming a nebula.  The remaining star can form a neutron star or it can keep collapsing into a black hole depending upon it’s initial mass.
    We’ve done a few observations of Betelgeuse, and Antares.  We still need to find spectra for these stars and determine if they are massive enough to go supernova.  And possible results after the core collapse.
Our goals are to observe more K and M Type Stars, obtain spectra, and luminosity data for these stars, analyze data to determine possible remnant type star, organize our web page, making a list of sites we want to link to, and gather pictures and graphics for our site.
Jesse: Cosmology (draft) Chinese emphasis, gather data for observations, web page design
Scott: Science (draft) observe, cosmology (European emphasis)
Team: Rewrite science and cosmology aspects, observe, and work on web page together