Physics of a Type II Supernova

    Stars of low mass live very long lives because they burn their fuel relatively slowly compared to massive stars that expend their fuel quickly. This is due to the higher gravity inside a massive star that the thermonuclear reactions must keep up with to maintain the mechanical equilibrium of the star. All stars go through a phase of stellar evolution when they are converting hydrogen to helium called the main sequence. This period is the longest, most stable time in a stars life. Current models show that after the main sequence stars of masses lower than eight solar masses go through a series of expansions, and contractions as they start to fuse heavier and heavier elements (Kaufmann & Freedman, 550). But, these stars do not have enough gravity to contract and reach the temperature needed to create iron. Eventually they shed their outer layers leaving a mostly carbon core, a white dwarf. These stars can remain in gravitational equilibrium indefinitely (Begelman & Rees, 29).
    As a massive star runs out of hydrogen to convert to helium it moves off the main-sequence in a series of contractions and expansions similar to a smaller mass star. The star contracts when it runs out of the fuel it is burning in the thermonuclear reaction at its core. The contraction causes the temperature to rise in the core until it reaches the necessary temperature to accelerate the particles in its core to speeds high enough to overcome the electric repulsion between the protons and start the next reaction in the chain (Begelman & Rees, 31). During this process of contraction and expansion the star can eject much of its mass. If the star remains massive enough it will move through the chain of reactions up until iron.
    No further fusion reactions are possible beyond iron without an input of energy. The core collapses under the weight of the star’s outer layers.  The outer layers fall inward as the pressure in the core suddenly drops.  As the core reaches the density of an atomic nucleus the electrons and protons are forced together creating neutrons and releasing on the order of 10^57 neutrinos (Begelman & Rees, 33).  Neutrinos are particles that react with other particles very infrequently, but the 10% that do interact with another particle on their way out of the core may push the pressure wave through the star’s outer layers (Begelman & Rees, 34).
    At this point the core becomes stiff  because the neutrons cannot be compressed any further. The outer layers of the star are reflected back outward. The pressure wave that is created compresses and carries the outer layers of the star out into space. This enormous pressure and energy input from the neutrinos that interact with other particles, heats the material traveling in the pressure wave to temperatures high enough to fuse elements heavier than iron (Kaufmann & Freedman, 551). This is the only place in any natural system that elements heavier than iron can be created (Kaufmann & Freedman, 551). When the pressure wave reaches the surface of the star it blows off the outer layers into space in a supernova explosion. At this point the supernova becomes visible. The energy released in a supernova explosion is about 10 times the amount of energy released over the whole life the star (Begelman & Rees, 32). Gravity is the force that releases the majority of a stars energy over its whole life, not its thermonuclear reactions (Begelman & Rees, 32). It does so within the last seconds of its life creating a supernova.