Instructor: Cindy Beck, N.D.
Office – Seminar 4158 Mailbox on campus – Seminar 3127
Phone – ext. 5942 E-mail address =*
best way to contact
Required Text: Anatomy & Physiology by Seeley, Stephens &
If you have access to another anatomy/physiology textbook
that was published within the past 5 years, use it. The information
will be essentially the same, and you can save some $.
Required Lab Handouts compiled by CBeck – accessed on class web page
Suggested Additional Texts: The Anatomy Coloring Book, Kapit/Elson
The Physiology Coloring
Book, Kapit/Macey/Meisami
Class meets Tuesdays & Thursdays: 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Lab I Room 1040
Course Objectives:
a) To familiarize students with structure and function of the major
systems of the human body
b) To explore the human body's interrelationship of health and disease
c) To introduce basic laboratory procedures which monitor physiological
Class Expectations:
1. Regular attendance and participation in class discussions and activities
is expected
of all students. If an absence occurs, it
is the student's responsibility to get notes /
handouts from the webpage or a classmate.
2. Quizzes- Each Tuesday, there will be a short quiz on the previous
week’s work.
Missed quizzes may not be made up. BE ON TIME!!
The time allotted for quizzes is the
first 20 minutes of class. If you are
one of those that like/need extra time to take a quiz –BE ON TIME!!
If you come in late, your time will be limited. If you miss 2 quizzes,
you will lose 1 lecture credit, if you miss 3 or more quizzes you will
lose 2 lecture credits.
3. Lab Journals - Each student will keep a journal of laboratory work.
These journals will be due on December 10th. Journals should include
all lab results (what happened, what did you observe, any questions to
answer, charts to fill in, graphs, etc. will go here) as well as what your
conclusion of the lab’s purpose was. What do your results mean?
What did you learn?
Lab reports should be typed, or at least neatly hand written.
If you do not attend class, it will be very difficult to maintain a complete
lab journal, as lab activities will be interspersed throughout the curriculum.
4. Disease research – Each student will choose a pathology related to
one of the systems covered this quarter [integument, skeletal, muscular
or nervous], and present a research project based on the pathology.
This project can be a traditional paper, an oral presentation, or a creative
way of demonstrating knowledge acquired. Regardless of the way information
is presented, all students will also present
an annotated bibliography of the sources used in research. Finished
projects will be due no later than November 21st.
4. Self-evaluation & faculty evaluation is due on December
5. Evaluations are assessed on class progress: based on quizzes, class
(seminar) participation/attendance, research project & lab participation/journal.
- Late paper policy - I will not accept any late papers. If you
cannot make it to class, you can put it in my mailbox, or email it to me.
- Class schedule is subject to change, dependent on class progress.
- Withdrawals from class follow TESC's policies as outlined in registration
- As appropriate, the Instructor will supply supplemental readings.
- Students with disabilities are asked to contact the instructor to
arrange accommodation.
This is a 4-credit class. 3 credits – lecture & 1 credit
- lab
At the end of the course students will have gained an understanding
cell structure and function
muscle function and the similarities and differences between muscle
bone structure, function and formation
nervous system division, components, function including the special
senses and their function