Human Biology II
Homework #5

Type your answer to each of the following questions.Please submit your answers no later than Thursday February 20th.


Mr. L, aged 45 reported to the hospital ER with complaints of shortness of breath and heart palpitation.The initial assessment by the nurse included the following findings:rapid heart rate, nervousness with tremor of the hands, skin warm and flushed, sweating, rapid respiration, and protruding eyes.You are the attending physician. What is your preliminary diagnosis based on these findings?


Explain the difference between serum and plasma.

What are the possible reactions of ABO blood-typing serums? Please list each possibility for anti –A serum and anti – B serum.


Harry met Sally in a biology class.During a lab exercise, they determined that Harry’s blood is type AB+, and Sally’s is O-.Their relationship has grown & they are now planning to marry & have children. What are the circulatory consequences of their union? Explain your answer.

. Can they donate blood to each other?

. Might children be at risk?


Between 25 ml & 65 ml of blood is lost in each menstrual cycle.Why would this make women in their reproductive years more likely than men of the same age to suffer from iron deficient anemia?(A condition in which an insufficiency of iron causes reduced Hb synthesis)