A "Jigsaw" approach to teaching and learning, based on Sherry Walton's techniques.
Do steps 1-4 before Thus.19.Nov. Work through details individually and as a group, and prepare concrete questions to ask Zita on Tuesday. Prepare questions to ask Zita Thus. am, and material to share with the class Thus. pm.
1. Each of you will be asked to read part Hansen and Kawaler's Stellar Interiors thoroughly so that you can share important information and concepts from that section with a small group. Study guides are provided to help you prepare.
2. Before reading your section of the text, read the first set of instructions on your study guide.
3. Then follow the steps on the your study guide to read, explore, and organize the information in the section for which you are responsible.
4. Everyone reread Ch.2 and review Kaufmann Ch.18-23.
Read earlier chapters in Universe to familiarize yourself with any background material referenced in your section, as you find necessary.
Team 2: Ch.2.2-2.3: on and after MS
Team 3: Ch.2.6.1: Variable
Team 4: Ch.2.6.3: SN
5. On Thus. am, each team meet Zita to discuss your questions and focus.
If you like to talk a lot in front of class, please concentrate instead on encouraging shy teammates to participate more. If you have not said much in past presentations, try to take advantage of these opportunities to build your confidence and skill at public speaking. This should be a safe and friendly group to work with.
Visual aids and performance art can be very effective in conveying complicated concepts efficiently. Feel free to be creative about how to share your information. Unlike your handicapped professor, do more than just talk.
6. Thursday in class, each team will have about 30+ minutes to present their section, complete with visual guides, and answer questions from the class. Zita will facilitate a synthesis of our understandings, try to answer outstanding questions, and lead us to the next step: Equations of State (Ch.3), to be covered after we do Thermal next qyarter.
7. Please choose one problem for us to start in class together,
and one for HW. Write your selections on the board in
With your team's finished study guide, please put your individual
work on the blank study guide in your portfolio (with different color
pen showing what you learned from reading and discussion).
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