Fall week 5 assignments
Check these daily. Assignments may change later
in the week. For example, Thursday's assignment may depend on what happens
in Tuesday's class meetings.
Reading this week:
read Kuhn's "Structure of Scientific Revolutions" through
Section VIII, p.91
Stellar Interiors, Ch.1
Grossman on Series, Ch. 12.1-2, 12.10-12
Notes: Last week we discussed changes
to the schedule, especially on Tuesdays. (Highlights of "Model B":
Seminar in afternoon instead of morning, longer lunch break, and weekly
Jigsaw team meetings with Zita.)
Homework Solutions:
I'm terribly sorry, but it seems I've lost your Mechanics Ch.2 homework.
So I have made a copy of my solutions for everyone in the class.
Please get solutions from the LRC or from the bin on the wall outside
my office (turn your back to my door, and it is in the
top plastic bin in a folder labeled "Mechanics Solutions").
This does not, of course, make up for losing your original work, with your
insights and notes to yourself. To avoid losing homework in the future,
I will try to give it to Christopher immediately. Some of you already
make copies of your homework before turning it in, so you can look it over
or keep working on it... it's probably a good idea for everyone to do this,
I'm afraid. Please accept my deepest apologies. ;{ Zita
Since the midquarter exam is this week (5), and next week (6) is
Midquarter Eval
Conferences and Faculty Retreat meetings, the new schedule will take
effect in week 7.
Monday Tuesday
Wednesday Thursday
Monday: Get your take-home exam.
(Finish your seminar and Grossman reading and note-taking over the
weekend so you can concentrate on the exam on Monday!) This
is designed as a two-hour exam for in class; you have all afternoon
to do it.
Get it outside the secretary's office (Carolyn Walker, Lab I Rm 1018) anytime
after NOON Monday.
Work on it wherever you like.
Open textbooks, open notes
Work alone.
Do all integrals and graphs by hand. There are no tricky integrals.
Spend no more than 4-5 hours on your exam - even if you doublecheck everything
Don't stay up late! we have a full day tomorrow.
Due tomorrow morning at 9:00 in class.
Tuesday morning: Overview:
Grossman on Series, to back up our recent use of Taylor Series
expansions and the binomial theorem, since it seems many folks did not
get this in M&M?
Prepare: Read Grossman Ch. 12.1-2, 12.10-12
Do: contribute thoughtfully to seminar, including specific
page numbers for your textual references.
Due: your exam, in class at 9:00 am (not later)
Tuesday early afternoon: Overview: Second
seminar on Kuhn
Prepare: work through study guides individually and then
as a group, over the weekend and maybe on Monday.
Do: contribute thoughtfully to seminar, including specific
page numbers for your textual references.
Due: Post a thoughtful paragraph about today's reading
on WebX after Seminar. Read others' postings.
Tuesday late afternoon: Overview:
Jigsaw team meetings with Zita
Prepare: work through study
guides in detail on the weekend. Discuss questions with
your team members, and agree on key questions you want Zita to address
in your 25 minute meeting.
Do: Pose concrete and clear questions in your team meeting.
Bring your working copies of study guide.
Wednesday: Overview:
Mathematica and Bibliography workshops
Prepare: bring a solid working bibliography for each
research team. Concentrate on real journals, not web sources.
Thursday: Overview:
Jigsaw presentations on Stellar Interiors Ch.1: Stellar
Friday: Work with your
research teams
Do: Meet your research partners. Post your weekly
progress reports.
Get your study guide for Stellar Interiors Ch.2 and work through details
over the weekend.
Due: Post progress reports for each research team on WebX.
Read other teams' reports.
is DUE at 3:00
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