Physical Systems Fall Program Description          7.Dec.98 Draft         E.J. Zita, Fall 1998-99

Physical Systems is a yearlong intermediate to advanced program in physics, mathematics, and philosophy of science, with theoretical and lab components. In Fall quarter, we studied Classical Mechanics with an emphasis on Equilibrium and Conservation of Energy. We applied concepts such as the Virial Theorem to derive details of Stellar Structure and Evolution. In parallel, we learned techniques for solving Differential Equations, with emphases on separation of variables, guessing, and integration factors for homogeneous and nonhomogeneous first- and second-order equations, including application of initial and boundary conditions. We compared oscillating, exponential, and transient solutions – analytically, physically, computationally, and graphically - using real and complex notations. We studied techniques for testing for and solving exact differential equations, in the context of conservative fields and potentials. We used Taylor Series to approximate small oscillations in potential wells. We read introductory General Relativity and gravity waves in preparation for our end-of quarter visit to LIGO, Rattlesnake Mountain Observatory, and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Challenging homework was due once or twice a week, and two open-book, take-home, time-limited exams were given.

In Seminar, we read classic investigations on scientific method and the development of scientific theories, and modern essays on distinctions between science and pseudoscience. Thoughtful discussions and carefully written papers were expected weekly, except during the professor’s absences.

Partly due to the design of the program and partly due to the professor’s several illnesses and injuries, students were asked to take an unusually high level of responsibility in class. In the context of discussions with and lectures by the professor, rotating teams of three students learned and prepared material to teach to peers. Each of five weeks, all students were expected to work through study guides individually, then meet as teams outside class to discuss questions and design a "Jigsaw" minilecture, and finally to make a clear informal team presentation of the material in class.

Group learning was an essential requirement for participants in this program. Weekly in-class workshops, assigned group work, student-organized problem-solving sessions, and seminars provided opportunities to develop collaborative skills. Students were expected to work at the board, to facilitate good class dynamics, and to work through material individually and together.

Two major research projects were assigned each student, as a significant portion of their work and credit in this program. In pairs, students chose one theoretical topic and one piece of equipment to study. For theory projects, students were expected to do significant library research and reading, develop a careful annotated bibliography of reliable sources, and synthesize an original summary of the topic for use in class next quarter as a text. For equipment projects, students were expected to choose a local piece of advanced scientific equipment, learn its capabilities and basic physical principles of operation, become skilled operators of the equipment, and synthesize an original summary to guide class experiments next quarter. For each project, students were expected to write their formal report as a web page (after attending three web authoring workshops) and finally to make a clear formal presentation in the final week of class.


Classical Mechanics (Barger and Olsson, 2d Ed., 1995)
    Ch.1 (One-dimensional motion), Ch.2 (Energy conservation), Ch.8 (Gravitation)

Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations (Stanley Grossman)
    Ch.3 (Differentiation of functions of two or more variables), Ch.5 (Work, Line integrals, Exact vector fields, Independence of path), Ch.10 (Ordinary differential equations), Ch.12 (Taylor Series)
Stellar Interiors (Hanson and Kawaler, 1994)
    Ch.1 (Hydrostatic equilibrium), Ch.2 (Stellar Evolution)

Universe (Kaufmann and Freedman, Fifth Ed., 1998)
    Ch.18-23 (Nature, lives, and deaths of stars)

Scientific English (Robert A. Day, 1995) – complete text

Demon-Haunted World (Carl Sagan, 1996) – complete text

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Thomas S. Kuhn, 2d Ed., 1970) – complete text

What is this thing called Science? (A.F. Chalmers, 2d Ed., 1982) – Ch.1-10

16 upper-division credits - physics