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Programming in Perl
Summer 1999
(Under construction, more to follow)
Web Programming in Perl-
4 quarter hours, first session
Masao Sugiyama, ext. 6512
Office Seminar 3167
email sugiyama@evergreen.edu
MW 1-5p, ACC
Reference #: 98448M
This course will introduce CGI and the Perl programming language to students interested in providing dynamic information on the World Wide Web. Programming experience is not required, but students will be expected to learn.
Teach Yourself Perl 5 in 21 Days by David Till 2nd Bk&Cd Edition Sams ISBN: 0672308940 |
Web Programming With Perl5 by Bill Middleton, Brian Deng, Brian Derg, Chris Kemp (Contributor) Sams; ISBN: 1575211122 |