The Atacama Desert in the north is temperate despite its
arid topography and tropical latitude. Cool ocean (Humboldt) currents
and underground springs sustain its cities, which extend down from
the Bolivian Altiplano through the Precordillara (foothills).
The desert gives way to more scrub and some forests when rainfall
increases as you move south into central Chile, where 70% of Chileans
live. Central Chile is the chief agricultural region and enjoys a
Mediterranean style climate. Santiago the capital is located here
along with most concentrations of industry, and major shipping ports.
The lake district immediately south of the central regions is one of
Chile's great tourist attractions with more than 20 snowcapped
volcanos (many still active) framing many foothill lakes known for
excellent fishing. 0utlying territories include the Eastern Island
(Isla de Pascua), the Juan Fernández Island and other islands
in the Pacific.
Chile, from the Indian Tchili meaning "the deepest point
of the Earth," achieved independence in 1818. Divided into thirteen
administrative regions, the segmentation of this latitude rich
country reflects ecological, and economic areas numbered roughly from
north to south. The Roman numerals are attached for convenience
because some region-state names are exceedingly long. The
metropolitan region of Santiago (XIII ) appears in the middle of the
country. Chilean
Chile's population accounts for almost 14 million inhabitants.
More than 80% of Chileans live in cities and towns with 1/3 living in
Gran Santiago. No other city in Chile has more than 250,000 pop. 3/4
live in the Chilean heartland including Valparaiso and Viña
del Mar which is an area comprising 20% of available land. The growth
potential for Chile is enormous. In Chile social class is still a
greater issue than race.
In the highlands of the desert north the Aymara and Atacameño peoples farm precordillaran terraces and raise Alpacas and Llamas in the Altiplano. There is a large population of Mapuche Indians in and around the southern city of Temuco. Most Chileans are mestizos although a great many can claim European descent. Unlike its neighbor Argentina, Chile did not experience massive European immigration in the 19th and 20th centuries.
At the end of the 19th century only a small number of Chileans were foreign born. Immigrant groups most notably Germans, settled near present day Valdivia, Osorno, and Puerto Montt in southern Chile after European upheavals in 1848. European immigration did not alter the structure of Chilean society despite inroads made by British, Italians, French, Slavs, European Jews, and Palestinians into Magallanes and Tierra del Fuego. The effect of these emigres on Chilean society was to add non-Spanish elements to the middle and upper classes. The aristocracy is made up from the original landed Gentry of mostly Spanish Basque origin. Despite their small number, European, Jewish and Palestinian immigrants became economically powerful, controlling rural estates, commercial, financial and industrial institutions.
The official language of Chile is
Spanish. However, there is
also a group of native languages, some spoken by a very few
individuals. In the desert north, more than 20,000 speak Aymara,
although most of them are bilingual in Spanish. In the south live
more than half a million Mapuches and most of them are also
bilingual. The most complicated linguistic minority are the 2000-plus
speakers of Rapa Nui, the Polynesian language of the Easter Island's
population, annexed by Chile in 1888.
Chile's literacy rate at 94% is one the highest in Latin America.
From the age of five to twelve, education is free and compulsory.
Universities were traditionally free and very prestigious. After the
coup d'etat of 1973 the military appointed its own university
presidents throughout the country; it swept away the university
reforms of the 1960s; reduced state funding; raised student fees, and
downgraded or eliminated critical disciplines such as sociology,
anthropology, political science , education and others. The military
reform of higher education opened the doors to many private
universities, most of them business schools, with part-time faculty
and dubious academic standards.
Chilean art, literature and music have influenced culture beyond
the country's borders. Chilean literature has produced writers of
international reputation, including Nobel Prize-laureate poets
Gabriela Mistral (1945) and Pablo Neruda (1973), who was also an
important political figure from the left. José Donoso, Isabel
Allende, Antonio Skarmeta, Nicanor Parra, Damiela Elitit are some of
many writers whose work have been translated into different
Until the coup d' etat of 1973, Chilean cinema was among the most experimental in Latin America. Director Miguel Littin produced the classic film El Chacal de Nahueltoro and many others. Later in exile, Littin produced Alsino y el Condor, nominated for Best Foreign Film at the Academy Awards in 1983. Antonio Skarmeta's book, Ardiente Paciencia, was adapted for the movie Il Postino, winner of an Academy Award in 1996, and a Cannes Film Festival Award.
One the best-known manifestation of Chilean and Latin
American culture was the New Canción Chilena (New
Chilean Song Movement). The practitioners of this musical movement
wedded Chile's and Latin America's folkloric heritage to the
political events of the 1960s and early 1970s. The movement's most
significant figure was Violeta Parra, an humble peasant woman who
worked in a circus when she was 12. Parra formed a duo with one of
her sisters later on andthey performed and sang all types of song.
Violeta Parra was a singer, a poet, a composer, a ceramicist,
arpilleristas and did extensive research in folklore. She
travelled around the world and exhibited her work at the Louvre
Museum and Geneva University. She is the author of many well-known
songs such as her enduring theme Gracias a la viva (Thanks to
Life). Her daughter Isabel Parra and son Angel Parra continued her
folkloric legacy, first in Chile and later in their exile in Europe
during the military dictatorship of Agusto Pinochet.
Some Individual performers such as Victor Jara, were brutally executed during the 1973 coup. Musical troupes s like Quilapayun, Inti-Illimani and Illapu gained an international reputation for musical talent, and political commitments against the military dictatorship. Many Chilean folk musician-exiles performed regularly in Europe, Canada, the United States, and Australia. Their music is still available in many countries, and Chile of course.
Figures indicate that 90% of Chile's, population are Roman Catholic,
but since the 1970s protestantism has gained important social spaces
among the population. The Mormons have recently become very active in
Chile and created much controversy about their presence and
activities. The influence of Catholicism has provided a strong influx
to Chilean culture. Literary works, paintings, monuments, churches,
architecture across the country display abundant evidence about the
role of the Roman Catholic religion in Chile. Countless roadside
shrines, some of which are extraordinary manifestations of folk art,
show the pervasiveness of Catholicism in this country.
During the military government of General Pinochet--1973 -
1990--the Church through the Vicaría de la Solidaridad,
played a very important role in the defense of human rights. At
great risk to themselves Chilean priest and nuns worked in the
shanty-towns across the country bringing support, consolation and
solidarity to the people. Many of them engaged in antidictatorial
actions and confrontations.
ECONOMYThe Chilean economy is based on manufacturing
and service. Mining, which provides about half of all exports,
employs a tiny percentage of the labor force. The government has
played a major role in economic development since 1939, when the
Production Development Corporation (CORFO, from its Spanish name) was
created to support substitution of domestic manufactures for imported
goods. When Pinochet's junta seized power Chile's economy adopted a
neoliberal model.The economic infrastructure was staffed by
economists trained or associated with the economic department at the
University of Chicago. The so-called "Chicago Boys" favored
monetarist policies which severely reduced the government's role in
the public sector, reducing expenditures to a minimum and eliminating
regulatory functions in order to promote commerce. The Chicago Boys
also eliminated price controls, reduced tariffs to promote free
trade, and sold off most state-owned industries to private
entrepreneurs. New financial emphasis encouraged foreign investments.
Political parties in Chile were banned by the military
from 1973 until 1987. The range and variation of Chilean political
parties and their ceaseless transformations make comprehension of
electoral politics very dificult. in Chile.
In the 1989 elections, 17 different parties with precious little in common, except their opposition to Pinochet, formed an unlikely coalition known as the Concertación para la Democracia. The Christian Democrat, Patricio Aylwin, was selected as a candidate for the presidency by a compromise among the many parties. He easily defeated his opponents, the right-wing candidate Hernán Bucci supported by the coalition Renovación Nacional, and the independent right-wing businessman Francisco Errázuriz. The outcome of the election clearly showed that Chile was ready for a change.
The Concertación held together and in June 1992 the first municipal elections in 21 years took place. The result was a major blow for the right wing candidates and the Concertación outpolled the conservatives by 53% to 31%. The remainder of the vote went to minor outsider organizations, including the Communist Party. The same political formula was applied in 1993, when another Christian Democrat, Eduardo Frei, was elected to replace Patricio Aylwin in the presidency for a period of six years.
Trade unions and workers' federations once a bastion of
political support and activity for political parties and candidates
from the left suffered greatly during the military regime. Many
leaders were jailed, murdered, disappeared or forced into exile. A
new labor force put in place by the military atomized the working
movement and promoted individual, versus collective bargaining,
Strikes became illegal after 60 days and the employers are permitted
to use non union labor to break strikes.
Despite the return to civilian rule, the Armed Forces still enjoy considerable power granted by the 1980 military Constitution under which Chile is now governed. Pinochet's group of Senators were appointed for life, and along with help from duly elected conservatives, they are able to block constitutional reform, and reform of the electoral system. All the Armed Forces enjoy great autonomy because the civilian president lacks authority to discipline their chiefs, or even junior officers. Both Presidents Aylwin and Frei have proposed constitutional amendments to redress this abnormal situation, but have failed in their efforts due to Senate non-compliance with reform initiatives. Chilean Index
The first European exploration of the region that is now Chile
was made in 1535 by Diego de Almagro. Unlike Peru, the land yielded
little gold, and the native Araucanian Indians offered fierce
resistance. In 1541, Pedro de Valdivia established several
settlements, including Santiago. In 1553, Valdivia was killed by
Lautaro, an Araucanian who became the hero of the epic poem La
Araucana. Chilean-born Spaniards (Creoles) declared their autonomy
and established a governing junta on September 18, 1810. Although the
Spanish crown regained control, its forces were defeated by Chileans
and Argentines led by Bernardo O'Higgins and José de San
Independence was proclaimed on Feb. 12, 1818, and O'Higgins was
elected supreme director. By 1830, O'Higgins was in exile, and
conservative landowners and merchants were in control of a
centralized government. A constitution adopted in 1833 remained in
effect until 1925. After defeating Bolivia and Peru in the War of the
Pacific (1879-84), victorious Chilean armies finally defeated
Araucanian forces to end the Indian wars. Arturo Alessandri pushed
through a new bourgeois-democratic constitution in 1925 that provided
for direct popular election of the president, separation of church
and state, and compulsory primary education.
Since the depression of the 1930s, few Chilean
governments have been able to solve the problems of inflation,
fluctuating copper prices which are dependent upon U.S. corporations
that own the principal mines, and the problems caused by the
inequitable landholding system . In 1964, Eduardo Frei Montalva of
the Christian Democrats began buying the U.S. copper companies
(Chilenizacion del cobre) and expropriating land, but he
encountered opposition on all fronts. In 1970, Salvador Allende, head
of a the Popular Unity coalition made up of Socialists, Communists,
Radicals (social democrats) and Christians won an electoral plurality
and was confirmed as president. He became the first constitutionally
elected Marxist president in the Western Hemisphere.
Allende then finished the process of nationalizing the U.S. copper
firms, without paying compensation, nationalized all private banks,
and accelerated land distribution. After three turbulent years marked
by problems including: an international boycott by the USA, covert
operations by big corporations from the USA, the Nixon-Kissinger
Administration, the CIA, and the Chilean ruling classes, the military
overthrew President Allende and seized power. Censorship and a state
of siege were imposed as the right-wing junta dedicated itself to
eradicating "the cancer of Marxism.". The Pinochet government was
consequently criticized widely in the international community for
continuous violations of human rights.
military government returned many factories, banks, and expropriated
land to private national and international owners. After sustained
economic growth in the late 1970s, Chile plunged into a deep
recession in 1982-83, which sparked an upsurge political opposition.
In the mid-1980s the economy began a sustained upturn. During 1988,
Pinochet was forced to lift all states of emergency and to permit
some political exiles to return. In October, Pinochet was the sole
candidate in a plebiscite on whether he should serve an additional
eight years transitioning to democracy. The opposition united to
defeat him, but he remained in office until March 1990 (and continues
today as army commander in chief ). The Presidential election held on
December 14, 1989, was won by Patricio Aylwin, a Christian Democratic
Party candidate who headed a coalition ticket. In 1994, new elections
were held and Eduardo Frei Montalva, also a member of the Christian
Democrat Party was elected to the presidency on behalf of a coalition
better-known as Concertación. A new presidential election will
be held in the year 2000.