July 25th through August 24th

This class will cover introductory astronomy for students with no prior background in physics or astronomy. In the first half of the session, we'll cover the constellations and optics so we understand the tools that astronomers use to study the heavens. In the second half of the quarter, we'll examine our current understanding of stars and the evolution of stars and galaxies. Students will have the opportunity to use the college's telescopes and binoculars for observing stars and galaxies. Interested? Enroll and show up at first class ready to have fun! Faculty signature not needed for enrollment.

Instructor: Don Middendorf 867-6618   Leave your phone number and I'll return your call.

Meeting Days: Tuesday and Thursday nights: 5:30 to 9:30 p.m.

July 25th through August 22nd Meeting Place: Room 1047 of "Lab I" Building on The Evergreen State College Campus

Credits: 4 credits - reference number #99313M

Additional credits possible for independent work - contact instructor Prerequisites: None

TEXTS: Universe, 5th edition by Kaufmann and Freedman

ISBN 0-7167-3495-8 cost - about $56.00 Theories of the World from Antiquity to the Copernican Revolution by Crowe

ISBN 0-486-26173-5 cost - about $7.00

Miller Planisphere for 500 North cost - about $8.00
Date/Day Reading from 


Reading From 

Theories of the World 


Some will be done or deleted at class

July 25 Tues Class meets in room 1047 of Lab I 5:30 through 9:30. Don available for half hour immediately after classes

Chapters 1 & 2: Constellations

Readings listed to be done BEFORE class. "Homework" due at the following class. Ch. 1: 12,13,14,15,20

Ch. 2: 11, 23a-c, 24, 28, 36, 41, 43

July 27 Thurs Ch.3: Eclipses

Ch. 4: Planetary Motion

Ch. 1: Celestial Motion 3: 2, 5, 12, 28

4: 8 in detail

Aug. 1 Tues Ch. 5: Spectra

Ch. 6: Optics

Ch. 2: Greek Astronomy 5: 9, 10, 12,22,24,28

6: 2, 4, 19, [23]

Aug 3 Thurs Ch 18: The Sun

Ch. 19: Stars

Ch. 3: Math. in Ancient Astron. 18: 2, 3, 21

19: 8, 10,12,25,38,39

Aug 8 Tues Ch. 20: Birth of Stars

Ch. 21: Stellar Evolution

Ch. 4: Ptolemy 20: 1,6,9,14,15,18,20

21: 9, 13, 15, 21, 29

Aug 10 Thurs Ch. 22: Stellar Evolution: Death

Ch. 23: Neutron Stars

Ch. 5: Philosophy 22: 

23: 25

Aug 15 Tues Ch. 24: Black Holes

Ch. 25: Our Galaxy

Ch. 6: Copernican System

(first half)


25: 6,7,11,13,17,18,19,20

Aug 17 Thurs Ch. 26: Galaxies

Ch. 27: Quasars

Ch. 6: Copernican System 

(second half)

26: 17, 18

27: 11,16,17,20,25

Aug 22 Tues Bring portfolio to class! 

Ch. 28: Cosmology

Ch. 7: Tycho Brahe Bring portfolio !

28: 14, 19

Aug 24 Thurs Ch. 29: Early Universe

Summary of 

Ch. 8: Kepler

Ch. 9: Galileo

Self-evaluation due on official forms    

updated June 16, 2000