Concepts of Computing, Section II

Seminar Assignments

Wednesdays, March 29 through May 31 (JJ absent May 24), 7:30 -- 9:30 pm, Library 2220

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The readings/seminar part of the course is 3 credits (out of 8 total).

We will read and discuss about half of a book each week.

April 5, 12
Where Wizards Stay Up Late
April 19
First half of Cuckoo's Egg (through chapter 30, page 163 in the paperback edition).
April 26
Finish Cuckoo's Egg
May 3
Selected chapters in Why Things Bite Back: 1, also 2,3 (medicine) also 8,9 (computers), and 12
May 10
All of Close to the Machine
May 17
Begin Transparent Society
May 24
(JJ Absent)
May 31

Each week, bring a very short report on your reading, with one or two sentences on each of these three items:

  1. A brief description of the content of the reading.
  2. Something in the reading that you found notable or memorable. It could be a fact or an opinion that the author expressed.
  3. A reponse to the reading: an observation, opinion, or question of your own.
For example, here is my report in this format on the March 30 lecture by Peter Jekel:
The lecture was about networks and network security. I was surprised to learn that an ordinary personal computer on a cable modem might be probed by hackers several times a day. It made me wonder why the networks and system software are so vulnerable -- why didn't the manufacturers make it more secure?

Each week, there will be a short quiz on the reading, consisting of three short-answer questions, perhaps a few more. The questions will be easy to answer if you have done the reading.

Your evaluation in the readings and seminar will be largely based on your report and your quiz.

Your evaluation in the lecture will be based on attendance only.

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Jon Jacky,