Matter and Motion

Chemistry Review Assignment #1
Due Tuesday, January 25

Kotz & Treichel
    Chapter 7: 23, 27, 31, 33, 71

Additional Problems

1) Calculate the wavelength of a photon of visible light with a frequency of 0.66 × 1015sec-1. What is the energy of the photon? What is the wave number? (from DeKock & Gray: Problem 1-5)

2) For each of the following sources of radiation, calculate the total energy density and estimate (hint: graphically) the fraction of energy in the visible range (400-700 nm). Assume each acts as a blackbody radiator.

    a: glowing coals in a fireplace (T = 1000 K)
    b: filament of an incandescent bulb (T = 2500 K)
    c: surface of the sun (T = 6000 K)

3) To remove an electron from the interior of platinum, 5 eV are required.

a: What is the minimum frequency of light required to observe the photoelectric effect with platinum?

b: If l = 200 nm, what will be the velocity of the emitted photon?

Note: 1 eV = 8,065 cm-1; 1 eV = 1.60 × 10-12 erg; 1 erg = 10-7 J