Matter and Motion

Chemistry Review Assignment #3
Due Tuesday, February 8

Kotz & Treichel
    Chapter 7: 49, 51, 57, 59, 61, 65, 77, 79

Additional Problems

1) The muzzle velocity of a rifle bullet is about 900 m/sec. If the rifle bullet weighs 30g, with what accuracy can the position be measured without perturbing the momentum by more than one part in a million?

2) Consider a one-dimensional box of length L that contains an electron. Compare the n = 1 and n = 2 quantum energy levels. In which state is there a greater probability of finding the electron between x = 0 and x = L/4? Explain. Use graphs or figures if helpful.

3) Photographic dyes and pigments are sometimes developed using simple one-dimensional "particle-in-a-box" considerations. Given a molecule with a length of 12 angstroms (approximately the length of 8 carbon atoms in a chain) that forms a "box", calculate the wavelength (in nm) of light that would be needed to promote an electron from the n = 1 to n = 3 quantum level. In what spectral region is this wavelength?