Cynthia Kennedy
Office: SE3164Faculty Phone: (360)866-6000 ext.5009 Email: |
Akihito Nishide
Office: SE3124 Phone: (360)866-6000 ext.6593 Email: |
Dean Olson
Office: SE3152 Phone: (360)866-6000 ext 6433 Email: |
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This program
is shaped by the belief that liberal arts graduates bring a special kind
of talent to the study and practice of business management. Liberal arts
graduates are 'big picture' thinkers. They are skilled at framing the larger
issues that often drive strategic thinking in public and private organizations.
Liberal arts graduates, and Evergreen graduates in particular, learn how
to use collaborative processes which enable them to span and build upon
differences between theory and application, ethnicity, gender, and discipline.
They do this by becoming strong critical thinkers and active listeners.
They do this by communicating ideas clearly in written format and oral
forum, and by reasoning about ethical principles and moral outcomes. A
liberal arts graduate will know enough about finance, marketing, organizational
behavior and other disciplines to know when this expertise is needed and
how to get it, but will not devote the bulk of their educational resources
to any given area of specialized knowing. Their special skill is in putting
the elements together into a comprehensive strategic plan which will be
competitively successful and ethically consistent with their sense of what
is right, just and fair.
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