Rhizophora harrisonii, R. mangle (Rhizophoraceae, nr. Combretaceae): red mangrove; aerial prop roots; no glands on petiole; no secretion of salt on leaves; actively excludes salt from roots; viviparous; nearest to open water, facing wave action.
Avicennia germinans, A. bicolor(?) (Avicenniaceae, nr. Verbenaceae): black mangrove; pneumatophores; no glands on petiole; secretes salt from leaves; viviparous; often behind Rhizophora.
Laguncularia racemosa (Combretaceae): white mangrove; pneumatophores (variably above soil); glands on petiole; no secretion of salt on leaves; viviparous; often behind Rhizophora.
Pelliciera rhizophorae (Theaceae): tea mangrove; exaggerated buttresses; alternate leaves; viviparous; Pacific coast and one isolated site on Caribbean coast of Colombia.