How Disney Devours the World
"Hi, I'm Michael Eisner, CEO of Disney, I want to eat your brains. "
"I will call it... EPCOT!"
"EPCOT will be an experimental city that would incorporate the best ideas of industry, government, and academia worldwide, a city that caters to the people as a service function. It will be a planned, controlled community, a showcase for American industry and research, schools, cultural and educational opportunities...
...In EPCOT there will be no slum areas because we won't let them develop. There will be no landowners and therefore no voting control. People will rent houses instead of buying them, and at modest rentals. There will be no retirees; everyone must be employed. One of the requirements is that people live in EPCOT must keep it alive." -quoted by Barbra Smalley EPCOT: Disney's Dream Come True (April 1983), pp. 41.
"Here I come!"
Hurricane Andrew + the Magic Kingdom = Lawsuits
Dade County Judge Celeste Muir: "You suck! Disney Rocks!"
"I will call it... CELEBRATION!"
Celebration Gym (first floor)/Hospital (second floor)
featuring valet parking, child care, state of the art health care
"I always thought that an alliance
between business and government exercising political and
cultural power in all aspects of a community's life was
fascism. And to me that is hardly something to Celebrate. "
-Seth Rogovoy