is the moon the only factor

The moon and sun are not the only things that have an effect on the tides. Things such as a land mass and depth of the water play a very important role in how the tides are going to behave. It is for this reason that it is not possible to predict the tides solely on the basis of data obtained by observing the positions of the sun and moon. Observation at one location in one general area over time is necessary in order to give an adequate base for which to base predictions on. The same basic forces acting all over the globe cause the tides, but in the cases of the oceans and even bigger lakes, they are independent from one another. The tides in the Atlantic are going to be different than those in the Pacific, mostly because the North and South American continents are in the way. Also, meteorlogical factors such as air pressure play a critical role in determining tidal behavior (NOAA).