Works Cited

Barbree, Jay, Martin Caidin, with Susan Wright.  Destination Mars in Art, Myth, and  Science. New York: Penguin, 1997.

Cowen, Ron.  “Creating a Warmer, Wetter, Mars.”  Science News.  159:12 (2001): 184-86.
Online.  EBSCOhost.  1 May 2001.

Mars. Welcome to the Planets Home Page. <
mars.htm>. (26 Apr 2001)

MARS - Observation.  Exploring the Planets.  <
observe.html>. (23 May 2001)

MARS and Satellites - Data.  Exploring the Planets.  <
MARSdata.html>. (23 May 2001)

Moore, Patrick.  Exploring the Night Sky with Binoculars.  New York:  Cambridge, 2000.

National Audubon Society.  Field Guide to the Night Sky.  New York:  Knopf, 1991.

Planets of the Solar System.  The World Almanac and Book of Facts.  1999 ed.

Sawyer, Kathy.  "A Mars Never Dreamed Of."  National Geographic.  199:2(Feb 2001): 30-52.
Online.  EBSCOhost.  4 May 2001.

Troiani, Daniel M.  “A Grand Return of Mars.”  Sky & Telescope.  May 2001:  102-108.

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