Observation Logs

The following are copies of my observation logs, they tend to take a long time to load so for the sake of brevity I've only included four  ... CAUTION they are messy.

14 Apr 01:  Note that my binoculars are losing focus because of the cold and condensation -- lesson learned.

26 Apr 01:  Note my error in mistaking Antares for Mars and another star - probably Alpha Hydra - for Antares :(

*I included these to illustrate the trials and tribulations of a novice observer.

14 and 26 Apr 01 Observation Log


10 May 01 at Chaco Canyon, NM

10 May 01 Observation Log

21 May 01:  An exceptional night - the sky was so clear that i used the other side for my naked eye sketch (which is not included).  Note that i did not see any stars in the binocular field of view.

21 May 01 Observation Log

22 May 01:  Another clear night :) lots of stars in my binocular view, including M8.

22 May 01 Observation Log

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