Given these definitions:
(define x 1) (define (add-x y) (+ x y)) (define (dbl-x x) (+ x x)) (define (add-sum y) (let ((sum (add-x x))) (+ sum y))) (define (add-list y) (every add-x y))
For each of the following expressions, if the expression can be evaluated, write its value. If the expression cannot be evaluated, explain why not.
(add-x 1)
(add-x x)
(add-x 'x)
(dbl-x 1)
(dbl-x x)
(dbl-x 2)
(add-sum 1)
(add-list (1 2 3))
(add-list '(1 2 3))
(add-x '(1 2 3))
(keep even? (add-list '(1 2 3)))