Lab Quiz, Foundations of Computing, Week 8 -- Tues Nov 14 2000


This diagram represents the geographic relation of some cities in the Puget Sound region of Washington state. A line (possibly a crooked line) connecting two cities means you can reach one from the other without passing through any of the other cities.

         Bremerton ------------- Seattle
             |                     |
             |                     |
             |                     |
             |                     |
         Gig Harbor -------------Tacoma
             |                     |
             |                     |
             |                     |
             +------ Olympia ------+

Define a Scheme variable named puget-routes to encode this diagram. Represent city names by (double-quoted) strings so we can easily represent cities whose names have more than one word: "Seattle", "Gig Harbor" etc. Represent the diagram as a list of lists. The car of each list is the name of a city and the cdr of each list is a list of all the cities that can be reached from the first city.