Joan Bantz, an introduction
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Office: Library 3213

  Winter and Spring 2001
Understanding Health Care:

  Who Gets It and Why?

In this two quarter program, we will examine the “patchwork” of
health care access, cost and quality.  We will explore health care
within cultural context, the stakeholders and political perspectives,
personal voices of health care and health care dynamics in other

Each quarter can be undertaken independently, however a review
of Starr's text The Social Transformation of American Medicine
is suggested reading, prior to joining Spring 2001 quarter.

Invited guest practitioners from public health, private insurance
companies, the public sector and others with direct clinical
experience in medical and alternative models of care will help us
better understand the complexity and multi-faceted “system” of
health care.

Participants will challenge the individually and socially derived
constructs of “dis-ease” and illness,health and wellness, while
exploring the concept of mind/body/spirit integration. Within
workshops, rationing of health care will be deliberate,
particularly the prioritized list of the Oregon HealthPlan.
A case study highlightingWashington State’s health care
reform will personally engageparticipants to develop,
understand and apply complex anddivergent concepts.

Spring quarter we will continue to explore the medical model
and alternative pathways to health care. We will study health
insurance history and fundalmentals such as risk, pricing and
underwriting, as well as historical opportunities for health
care reform and why reform has failed.  Special attention
will be given to the "Clinton Health Care Reform" political
process. Participants will explore health care reform
partnerships and collaboration opportunities.

Participants will gain insight and practical skills through
evaluatingalternative healthcare reform models in
collaboration with Choice Regional Health Care Network.
Also, current national andstate incremental health care
reform will be explored and participantswill be challenged
as futurists to design health care systemsfunding, delivery
and political viablity.

Credit will be awarded in health care policy, and health care systems.

Winter 2001 Syllabus

Spring 2001 Syllabus

Some Thoughts and Expectations for Seminar

Summer 2001 Program:   "Health Care Public Administration": Beyond the Rhetoric

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Madeby:   Joan W. Bantz
Last modified: 03/14/2001