last updated 5/23/01 |
Link to Fall Quarter Syllabus
to Winter Quarter Syllabus
Materials on seminar approaches
strategies #1
strategies #2
Faculty team: Brian Price & Sonja Wiedenhaupt
Jump to syllabus for week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 evaluation
Program Description
We construct our place, our community, and our world through our perceptions and senses, our collaborative interactions as community members, and through our interactions with the larger human and natural world. Accordingly, before we act as collaborative community members, we need to understand how our place, our community, works, how its members organize themselves to meet their needs using human and natural resources from within and outside its boundaries. Some of our needs we take so much for granted that we don't notice them; others are more subtle and difficult to see and evaluate. Examples of needs we take for granted are those for reliably available food and for waste water treatment. Less obvious needs are for publicly available information (thus, libraries), and for safety (thus, community standards of behavior and police and fire services).
Week One
Discussion of Syllabus introduction. What do you want to accomplish/learn this quarter as a culmination of your first undergraudate year that will set you up for next year and your future?
Field Natural History Handout: Field
Natural History and Illustrated Journal 9 to 1pm meet in 1st Floor Library Lobby |
Introduction to the work on internship case study
Handout: Case
study of your internship organization |
The Toilet Papers Sim Van der Ryn
Library 2129 & 2130
The Toilet Papers, cont. 11am to 1pm
Yoga with Judith 1:30 to 3pm |
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Link to an interesting site on observations of Ravens-- if you scroll down to the bottom of it, there are some good recordings of the sounds of common raven |
Week Two
Ravens in Winter Bernd Heinrich
Due: Draft of letter that informed internship organization of your assignment & written consent 9 to 11 am |
Field Natural History 9 to 1pm
Workshop: Informed consent
Lecture: The Basic Mechanisms of Capitalism 11am to 1pm |
Ravens in Winter, cont. |
Yoga with Judith 1:30 to 3pm |
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Link to some interesting sites from the Sustainable Community Roundtable:
Another link that Hillary pointed out -- Sally Fox, the organic colored cotton grower's, website |
Week Three
Ecopioneers Steve Lerner
Due: Letter that informed internship organization of your assignment & written consent Due: Please bring your check for $30 for Judith Dahn to Sonja 9 to 11 am |
Field Natural History 9 to 1pm
Workshop: Talking about the assignment
and addressing your questions/concerns |
Lecture: What Capitalis changes -- head/hand, standard of living vs. quality of life. 11am to 1pm |
Ecopioneers, cont. |
Yoga with Judith 1:30 to 3pm |
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Week Four
The Ecology of Hope Bernard and Young
9 to 11 am |
Field Natural History 9 to 1pm
Workshop: Oligopoly capitalism and the
power of corporations |
Workshop: Discussion about what you are
learning/noticing in your internships and field observations Due: Bring your field notes to class (link to assignment) Due: reflection on reading ethnographies (link to assignment) 11am to 1pm |
The Ecology of Hope, cont. |
Yoga with Judith 1:30 to 3pm |
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Link to some interesting sites talked about in You Can't Eat GNP: The Consumer's guide to Effective Environmental Choices, by the Union of Concerned Scientists |
Week Five
You can't eat GNP Erik Davidson
Field Natural History 9 to 1pm
Workshop: Shanti will work with us on
flip books
Due: reflection on emerging themes and questions at field observation site (link to assignment)
Workshop: Planning for next year: a guided reflection 11am to 1pm |
You can't eat GNP, cont. |
Yoga with Judith 1:30 to 3pm |
Link to appendixes that supplement Natural Capitalism Also, here's a publication that Hillary pointed out which presents a position that is opposing that ecological perspectives that we've been reading about. Look at the publication called Environment Climate News |
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Week Six
Natural Capitalism, part 1 Hawken and Lovins
Field Natural History 9 to 1pm
note change: Workshop: Sarah Trevellyan's Dad will
visit and do a design workshop with us Due: illustrations and writing from Field Natural History Journal |
Workshop: Discussion about what you are learning/noticing in your internships and field observations Find someone to talk your paper outloud to: Here are some guiding questions 11am to 1pm |
Natural Capitalism, part 1, cont. |
Yoga with Judith 1:30 to 3pm |
This week instead of our regular Field Natural History outing on Thursday there is a great opportunity to see the Lovins' (coauthors of Natural Capitalism) speek at a conference in Seattle. Here is a description of the theme of the conference:
Here is the web information about the conference and directions. The cost is $10 for students, so bring your id's with you. Thank you, Lucas for tuning us in to the conference! |
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Week Seven
note change: Workshop: Michele George from campus facilities Two films on ecological economics Natural Capitalism Case study assigned today (due during week 9 field trip) |
note change: Greenworld 2001 conference in Seattle 2 to 9pm Here is the web information about the conference, the $$ and directions.
note change:
Natural Capitalism, part 2, cont. |
note change:Yoga with Judith cancelled we will reschedule weeks 6 and 9 for another day to make up the classes. 1:30 to 3pm |
Field Trip Preparation: Please bring check for $65.55 to the cashiers office to be deposited into the following account: #218-122-0140 cost break down:
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Week Eight
Staying Put Sanders
Field Natural History 9 to 1pm
note change: Workshop: Randi and collage landscapes Due:
four pages containing both illustrations and writing
from Field Natural History Journal Due: Ethnography
Workshop: Malheur Field Trip Organization 11am to 1pm |
Staying Put , cont. |
Yoga with Judith 1:30 to 3pm |
Information about Malheur: Spring Migration at the Refuge and on the Silvies River Flood Plain (i.e. birding opportunities)
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Week Nine
Tuesday, May 29 |
Details of trip to be announced soon... Seminar
**end of year potluck at Sonja's house! **
The Long Haul Horton
Field Natural History 9 to 1pm
Workshop: Illustrated journal book handout
out and marveled over Due: Spring portfolio and draft of year long self evaluation |
Workshop: TBA 11am to 1pm |
The Long Haul, cont. |
Yoga with Judith 1:30 to 3pm |