import java.lang.Number.*; public class AlgorithmtwobeDemo { public static void main(String argv[]){ long a = 0; int[] myarray;//array that i am going to run algorithm on myarray = LoadArray.genArray(true, 200, Integer.MAX_VALUE);//not working, //cannot take the result of genArray and assign it to myarray a = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(Algorithmtwobe.go(myarray)); System.out.println("It takes " +(System.currentTimeMillis() - a) + " Milliseconds to process the random array"); int[] bentlysArray;//array that i am going to run algorithm on bentlysArray = LoadArray.genArray(false, 0, 0);//not working, //cannot take the result of genArray and assign it to myarray a = System.currentTimeMillis();//by use of Bently's array to see the results at the same time System.out.println(Algorithmtwobe.go(bentlysArray)); System.out.println("It takes " +(System.currentTimeMillis() - a) + " Milliseconds to process Bently's array"); } }