From now on, you will be submitting your completed assignments to me by incorporating the applets you create into a web page like the examples I've put on this site and mailing me the link so I can access them with my browser. I will post a link from this site to your applet pages.
Don't worry if you hit a snag with this process the first couple of times. I expect that. We're working with computers after all. But try to start early to allow time to get everything turned in on time even if you have some problems. Just send me mail if you've given a good effort and still can't figure it out, but keep in mind, its hard for me to debug problems via email, especially if your description is not succinct. Describing what is wrong well enough for someone else to understand is another programmer's skill that is learned with practice.
Once you have your applets running on your machine and ready to turn in, create an HTML page which includes the Applet, links to your Java source code (the .java files) and some descriptive text. See the guidelines listed below.
You will be posting your applets on your personal website on somewhere in the directory called "web" within your home directory (~username/web) See links at the bottom of this page for more help on how to do this. Test it with a web browser to make sure the applets work and any links on your page (especially to the source code) are woking.
Once everthing looks good, send me ( an email message containing URIs that points to your web pages on grace that each show one applet you've created. (URI stands for Universal Resource Identifier, The fancy name for hypertext links to material on the World Wide Web. They are what you see at the top of your browser. They look like:
You may link to another page containing the source code and description if you wish, but the applet must appear on the top-level page and there must be some obvious way to get to the complete source code and description if they are not on the same page with the applet. The text should be enough to allow someone else in the course looking your source code to understand your approach, how it works, and especially how its different from the examples. Please add any other description that might make it more interesting for somebody outside of the class to enjoy it or better understand it would be great too. After all, the whole WWW will be able to view your page, not just the class members.
One applet per page. Its too slow to have too many applets loading and running together on the same page and it will make it more difficult for me to format the gallery.
Include both your embedded applet and all of the source code needed to produce it. You must include all of your source code (.java files) so I and the rest of the class can look at it, download it and compile your applet on our machines if we want to.
Feel free to use the examples from class as a template by going to those pages and selecting the "view source" option on your browser. You can just cut and past and replace the filenames and text if you with.
Following a similar format to the one used by the rest of the pages in the gallery will help the whole Art of Computing gallery seem more polished and consistent. We'll have to collectively arrive at some sort of stylistic standard here without sacrificing individuality.
You must adhere to Evergreen's policy for personal web pages hosted on the school's servers.
You must attribute code you didn't write to its original author. This is a matter both of professional courtesy and honesty. I'm not too uptight about not getting credit for writing these simple examples, but others would be. Might as well start doing this now.
Here are some links to material you might find useful while working on your projects.