
Fall quarter, 2001, 4 quarter hours credit
Tuesdays, 6-10 pm, Library 4004
Sarah Ryan, Faculty
Library 2108  867-6720

How do we make sense of proposals to transform public services into profit-making enterprises? How do we evaluate recent initiatives to allow for-profit charter schools and to privatize Social Security? Where is "the public interest" in these debates? Why do unions tend to oppose privatization and corporations tend to support it? This class will look critically at privatization in national, state, and global contexts. We’ll look at literature from advocates and opponents and look at the interest groups that support and oppose privatization. Students will do case study projects on current privatization proposals and will learn from each others’ research and experiences. Credit will be awarded in labor studies or political economy.


Schedule some changes and corrections will occur!
Date Activities Reading (completed) What's due?
Week One: September 25 Introductions, program overview, Workshop: defining privatization Wall Street Journal pull-out section, in class
Week Two: 

October 2


Workshop: Think tanks and privatization  Savas to page 63 Short paper on Savas: How does he define privatization? Outline his basic argument for it.
Week Three, 

October 9


Seminar on Chomsky

Library workshop: government documents

Chomsky, entire Short paper on Chomsky: What are his claims about globalization? How do you connect this with privatization?

Topic for project 

Week Four: 

October 16

Workshop: evaluating an argument

Computer Center: sources on privatization

Savas to page 145  No paper due!
Week Five: October 23 Seminar on Savas

Film: Privatization

Savas to end Paper: what are the strengths and weaknesses of Savas’ ideas?
Week Six: 
October 30
Workshop: Wages, costs of living, comparison, measurement.

Seminar on Sclar

Sclar Paper on Sclar: write a "debate" between him and Savas 
Week Seven: November 7 


Guest speaker on privatization and globalization. 

Seminar on Dolbeare

Dolbeare Paper on Dolbeare: what Washington traditions offer alternatives?
Week Eight: November 13 Seminar on Kirshner and Washington traditions

Lecture; Cooperative traditions in Washington state and the 1930s depression.

Kirshner Project draft due
November 20 Thanksgiving Holiday — No class Esman (start)  
Week Nine: 

November 27

Project presentations, seminar on Esman Esman (finish) Esman: identify his thesis and discuss its relationship to one current issue.
Week Ten: December 4 Project presentations   Projects due
Evaluation Week Student/faculty evaluations by appointment Draft self and faculty evaluations

Possible project topics may include: