Patterns Across Space and Time

Fractals Logo Assignment

  1. The first two iterations of three different mappings are given below. Use Logo to generate the seventh iterations. Print your results.





  1. Two fractals are given below. By examining the images determine what the mapping is and use Logo to check your answer. Print out the first, second and seventh iterate of both mappings.
  2. a) b)


  3. Modify the fractal mapping program so that the position, size, or orientations of the squares is different then for the above mappings. Generate two different fractal patterns using your modifications. Print out the first second and seventh iterations of these mappings.
  4. The first two iterations of some fractal paths are shown below. Modify the fractal path program to reproduce the sixth iteration of these paths. (Notice that in the first path the segments are a quarter of the original length while in the second the segments are a third of the original length.) Print your results.
  5. a) b)

  6. Draw the first two iterations of a path of your choosing. Then modify the fractal path program to reproduce these drawings. Generate the sixth iteration and print your results.