Labyrinth activity

A labyrinth is an early form of maze with a single convoluted path, without junctions. These labyrinths were not puzzles, but instead were for ritual walking, running and processions.


The Classical Seven Circuit Labyrinth

The mouth is where you enter. You walk on the paths or circuits. The walls keep you on the path. The goal is in the middle of the labyrinth. When you reach it, you have gone half the way. You need to turn around and walk out.



For this group project the object is to construct a simple labyrinth using beach materials. On the right are instructions for creating a seven circuit labyrinth starting from a simple seed. Record the creation of your labyrinth using photographs and drawings.

Other sample seeds for growing labyrinths, using a similar technique to the one given above shown on the right. In your lab books investigate the labyrinths these seeds generate. Try designing your own Labyrinths using seeds of your own creation?