Patterns Synthesis Essay Question

What are patterns? What role do human perceptual boundaries play in our ability to recognize, understand, express and find meaning in them? Write a five page synthesis paper in which you address these questions. Support your thesis by referencing program readings, lectures, screenings, field trip activities and workshops.

Thesis statement and outlines are due Thursday November 14th (week 7). We will have an outline workshop that day, so your outline will be due at the end of class.

Papers are due Thursday, November 21st (week 8) for peer review.

Corrected papers are due Thursday, December 5th.


Essay Rubric

Your paper will be assessed with the following criteria:


The thesis statement is clear, original and articulate.
Your ideas are well reasoned, synthesized, explained well and backed up with examples.
Your writing demonstrates understanding of program themes.
Your writing broadly references readings, lectures/screenings, field trip activities and workshops.



The scope is defined.
The essay addresses the thesis statement directly.
The conclusion is supported by the body of the essay.
The writing style uses concise language and clear and complete sentences.
The paper is typed, double spaced, with appropriately formatted footnotes and citations.