Patterns Winter Quarter Animation Workshop: Sketchbook/Drawing Assignment

Revised 2/10/03

Week 1: Exercise: arc of action, elongated in-betweens. Zoetrope strips in class

In class sketchbook: design images, draw key frames.

Week 2 (Due 1/14)

Read p.1-101 (drawing in time, on timing, on spacing, elongated drawings), p. 297-303 (staggers/whips)

Sketchbook: 1) Spend an hour observing people/animals in motion (go to the CAB, the CRC, the zoo, downtown) and draw key frames of simple motions. Observe and draw the arcs that people make with their limbs and body movement. 2) Draw key frames and in-betweens for 4 "zip-turns." Vary the type of elongated in-between for each one.

Week 3 (Due 1/21)

Read p. 102-176 (walks), p. 327-332 (animal action)

Sketchbook: 1) Spend an hour watching people walk and sketching their posture and body types as they move. 2) Design two-legged characters in 4 key positions to do walks that express 3 different types of personality. Make a timing chart to go with these sketches. 3) Design two four-legged characters and the key positions needed to animate their walk. Make timing charts to go with these also.

Week 4 (Due 1/28)

Sketchbook: Spend an hour watching birds flying and walking. Sketch how they move (the crows in Red Square are ideal for this)

Week 5 (Due 2/4)

Sketchbook: Spend an hour watching some inanimate object(s) move and sketch their movements. This could be a flag waving, wind blowing leaves, fire, water falling, waves, etc.

Week 6 (Due2/11)

Read p.256-284 (weight and anticipation)

Sketchbook: Design two different characters lifting something heavy and draw necessary key positions and a timing chart. Make sure you show anticipation.

Exercise: 3 seconds of rotoscoping. Drawings only due Mon. of week 8

Week 7 (Due 2/18)

Read p.285-296 (takes and accents)

Sketchbook: Spend an hour observing and sketching facial expressions of people. Draw them as simply as you can, focusing on one person at a time for a sequences of 5 or 6 drawings. Then sketch two kinds of takes based on some of the drawings of people.

Week 8 (Due 2/25)

Read p.217-245 (flexibility), p. 297-303 (staggers/whips)

Sketchbook: Design and lay out a stagger motion for an object or character including keys and timing chart.

Sketchbooks are due Thursday of week 8.