Winter Quarter Writing Assignments

Writing Journal: Your writing journal is the place you will record and develop ideas, observations and questions about program themes and content (readings, workshops, etc). Bring it to all program activities (including meetings with your tutor) as you will frequently be asked to write in it during class. It will also be a source from which you draw ideas to develop in longer writing assignments. Turn it in with your portfolio at the end of the quarter.

Weekly meetings with writing tutors: Once a week you will meet with the writing tutor assigned to you to work on developing your ideas and sharpening your writing skills. This is a required activity and, as with other program activities, absences may result in loss of credit.

Seminar: Two papers each week in response to the reading

Extended Essay: due Thursday, 2/20 (week 7)

Choose one of your post-seminar papers and develop it into a 5 page extended essay that explores the ideas you first approached in more depth. You may need to do additional research and reading to support your writing with evidence. We’ll discuss this assignment in more detail later in the quarter.

Independent Project proposal: due in Seminar, Monday, 2/3 (week 5)

You’ll receive details of the proposal requirements week 2, but basically this is a written description of a project arising from program themes that you would like to execute independently or in collaboration with one or two other students in Patterns.

All papers must be word-processed or typed and printed out, double spaced, 12 point type, spell-checked and proofread.

Portfolio: Collect all your work into a binder or accordion style folder. This will preserve a record of your work throughout the weeks of the quarter. Organize the portfolio into different sections for each part of the program. Within those sections, organize the work in order of its making. Include all assigned written work including writing journal and seminar papers, with faculty comments, notes from program meetings and readings, and any other work you have done related to the objectives of the program that might demonstrate your learning. Also include a draft of your self-evaluation, as well as a completed self-eval worksheet (more about these later). You will be asked to turn the portfolio in to your seminar faculty in week ten and it will serve as a partial basis for your evaluation.