Body, Mind, Soul

Winter 2003 Syllabus


1. Articulate and assume responsibility for your own work.

2. Participate collaboratively and responsibly in our diverse society.

3. Communicate creatively and effectively.

4. Demonstrate integrative, independent, critical thinking.

5. Apply qualitative, quantitative and creative modes of inquiry appropriately to practical and theoretical problems across disciplines.

6. As a culmination of your education, demonstrate depth, breadth and synthesis of learning and the ability to reflect on the personal and social significance of that learning.

Office hours
Heesoon Jun,


Psychology Lab II 2267  Ext. 6855 Junh TUE 3:30 – 4:30 or 


Lance Laird Comparative


Lab II 3261 Ext. 


Lairdl TUE 3:30 – 4:30 or


Kabby Mitchell Movement COM 363 Ext.


Mitchelk By appointment only


PREP DAY Whole group Meeting

9:00 – 12:00

(LH 1)


10:00 – 12:00

(CR 116/117)

Whole group meeting


(Lib 4300)


12:00 - 1:15

(faculty book seminar)




1:30 - 3:30

(Lcc 1007a)-Lance


(Lab I1037)-Kabby


1:30 – 3:30

(Lab I 1051)-Lance

(Lab II 2211)-Heesoon

(Lib 2204)-Kabby


3:45 –(faculty business


You will
  1. continue to develop an understanding of multiple perspectives on the construction of the human self in various cultures and religious traditions.
  2. continue to develop your own body-awareness, which leads to keen perceptivity of mind and soul.
  3. continue to develop mental diversity (race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, body shape, disability, language, etc.) by deconstructing hierarchical, dichotomous, and linear thinking patterns.
  4. learn to critically evaluate and integrate the above multiple perspectives in ethically appropriate ways.
5. make conscious awareness of which aspect (Target vs. Agent) of self-identity you are using from your multiple identity. Examine your myth in relation to Target vs. Agent.
  1. be able to differentiate personal issues from academic issues by keeping appropriate boundaries:
    1. be able to differentiate between your perception (especially, those projection issues) and classroom reality.
    2. be able to use "I" messages instead of "you" messages.
    3. be able to differentiate realistic expectations from inappropriate or unrealistic expectations (self, other students, and faculty).
    4. show respect for faculty’s expertise in their discipline and be open to their way of
presenting the material, before blocking your learning with resistance.

(5) be able to use classroom time for your learning as well as others.

  1. integrate the fall quarter learning with the winter quarter materials.
1. Your illness narrative group is formed around your collaborative research project.
  1. You will learn how to do an ethnographic interview through a series of weekly workshops. (a) You will collaboratively decide who will do an ethnographic interview with a familiar person who has dealt with illness, who will transcribe the interview, and who will index the interview. (b) You will analyze individually and process as a group. (c) Submit your individual analysis on the 5th week, Thursday. (5-7 pages)
  2. There will be a series of movement workshops where you will learn to express illness narrative themes into movement for group performance. (Group performance due on the 7th week)
1. You will collaboratively work with your illness narrative group studying a particular theme related to

Body Mind Soul. Methods may include:

Submit your final project to your faculty on the 9th week, Thursday. (Maximum 20 pages)
  1. Each collaborative research group will do a creative presentation of findings at the end of the quarter.
(10th Week) You will give brief written feedback to each group. Your comments need to be non-judgmental and focused on the content of the creative project. Those who are critical and judgmental and state other issues will have a conference with faculty. Faculty evaluation of you will reflect on your attitude on community building; those of you who are absent for others’ presentation or who are not attentive to others’ presentation will be evaluated as students who show disinterest in community building. For Both Written Assignments (illness narrative analysis and collaborative research project)

Faculty will not read late papers

    1. Integrate the program content (books, lectures, workshops, etc.). (2) Write free style at first by focusing on the content. Then, revise several times so the content fits into the page limits; this process allows you to be mindful of your choice of words and to develop efficient strategies to express your ideas in a coherent manner. It increases your analytical and critical thinking skills. Faculty will not read papers that do not meet these requirements. This is an attempt to encourage you to practice writing precisely by including only necessary information in order to become an effective communicator. (3) Submit all your rough drafts with your final draft so faculty can examine your learning process. (4) Please staple, proofread, use minimum 11 point font, double space, and use uniform margins (at least 1 inch all around).
Interdependence of Each Other for Mind, body, Soul Health (1) You will meet each week with your illness narrative group to work on your illness narrative, collaborative research project, or in-depth processing of the program content. You are a VITAL member of your group. Your group relies on you as much as you rely on them for the assignments. (2) Work on the project for at least 2 hours each week. This does not include socializing. If you want to socialize do so afterwards. (3) You will be asked to report on progress of your group. (See weekly schedule for due dates.)

Seminaring is the heart of Evergreen education when all students complete the book and are interested in intellectual sharing, challenging, and learning different perspectives. The quality of book seminars decreases when some students who do not complete the book seminar on the basis of incomplete knowledge. This results in an unsatisfactory learning experience for all students; those responsible students who do complete the book are not satisfied due to the inability to complete seminaring objectives and those who do not complete the book are not satisfied due to getting by with pretending thus maintaining a false selfhood. In an attempt to encourage all students to take care of their body, mind, and soul, those who finished the book will seminar and the others will observe them. This will create a real learning experience for all students.

A. Seminaring Objective: 1. Provide a forum in which each individual student is encouraged to take personal responsibility for a major contribution, thus leading the student to master the skills necessary for independent research, coherent organization of thoughts and findings and useful presentation of the material, so that seminaring becomes an expression of that student’s individual learning in collaboration with peers. 2. Students will learn to take charge of their own education through learning to be a co-learner within the learning community. In order to accomplish the seminaring objectives, you need to:
    1. (1) Find the author’s main points as you read and what evidence, arguments, or reasons the

    2. author uses to support these main points. (2) Find connections between the program’s lectures, workshops, and the seminar readings.

    3. Articulate clearly by using specific examples from text including page numbers and

    4. passages, etc.

    5. Pursue intellectual curiosity by asking specific questions and/or stating a particular point from text (including page number) to the seminar group: Argue the author’s point and not your personal opinions.
    6. Use respectable communication skills (e.g. "I" message) to disagree with other’s opinions.
    7. Take responsibility to make yourself intellectually challenged by initiating questions and/or comments to seminar group. You can only be BORED or NOT CHALLENGED when you become a passive learner who waits for someone else to speak on what you would like to discuss. No one can read your mind. Be active for your own education.
    8. Avoid monopolizing. Involve others by asking their opinions on the topic. (Letting a few people dominate discussion leads to an unsuccessful seminar.)
    9. Recognize that we are discussing abstract ideas rather than attacking or devaluing personal opinions.
    10. Be accountable for keeping discussions on target (and away from huge tangents and too many personal stories).
    11. Learn from diversity of opinions and ideas. Being offended when others disagree with your ideas and/ or opinions prevents you from learning to think from multiple perspectives.
B. There will be a weekly (either on Tuesday or Thursday) in class essay on the Seminar book or article(s). No make-ups.

  2. Read assigned (See Weekly Schedule) disorders then pick one case study you would like to critique. Critique the case study from Freudian, Jungian, humanistic, behavioral, cognitive, biomedical, and biocultural perspectives. Use critical thinking skills from statistical (assumptions, generalizability, correlational, causal, etc.) and cross-cultural knowledge. Please approach the assignment as a learner who has intellectual curiosity and who wants to understand "psychological disorders" from a broader perspective. Bring the typed (11 font size) assignment to the class on the morning of the due date. Revise with a pen after discussion and lecture if you need to and submit to your faculty after the discussion. Faculty will not accept late assignments. This is an attempt to encourage you to be actively involved in your own learning.

All books are required.
  1. Turner. E. (1996). The hands feel it: Healing and spirit presence among a Northern Alaskan

  2. people. Northwestern Illinois University Press. ISBN:0875805736

  3. Morris, D. B. (2000). Illness and culture in the postmodern age. University of California Press.

3. Chestnut. R. A. (1997). Born again in Brazil. Rutgers University Press. ISBN:0813524067

4. Solway D. & Miller, T (Ed). (1995). A dance against time. Pocket Book. ISBN:0671788965

  1. Burns, D. D. (1999). Feeling good. Wholecare. ISBN: 0380810336
  2. Halgin, R. & Whitbourne, S. (Ed). (1998). A casebook in abnormal psychology: From the files of

  3. experts. Oxford University Press; ISBN: 0195092988

  4. Goldberg, M. (2001). Bee season. Knopf. ISBN: 0385498802
  5. Attar, F., Davis, D, & Darbandi A. (1984). The conference of the birds. Penguin. ISBN: 0140444343
  6. Weber, R. J. (2001). The created self. New York: W.W. Norton & Company. ISBN: 0393321215
Please be considerate of other students who also need to read the same articles. All articles need to stay in the library. Last quarter, a few students took part of the articles for themselves which resulted in other students being unable to read the complete article. There are two resource books on Library Reserve: Pain as human experience: An anthropological perspective and Culture theory: Essays on mind, self, and emotion.


NOTE: We expect you to finish all readings by the day they are assigned. This schedule is subject to

change. We will notify you well in advance whenever possible. RA=Reserve Article

A casebook in abnormal psychology = A casebook Italics =Books

Week 1: Introductions. syllabus, covenant, narrative groups L/W=lecture/workshop

Tuesday (1/7) 
Wednesday (1/8) 
Thursday (1/9)
READ: The Hands feel it




*L: Forgiveness

Movement Activity

Movement skills workshop

READ: The Hands feel it

*Introduce illness narratives; set up interview teams (narrative groups), develop questions:

*A casebook in abnormal psychology (p. 1-6 & Schizophrenia)


Week 2: Postmodern illness which requires a new way of thinking

Tuesday (1/14) 
Wednesday (1/15)
Thursday (1/16)
READ: Illness and culture(intro-chapter 5)

*L/W: Difference between biomedical and biocultural model 

*L/W: Listening (Barriers to listening, effective listening, and empathic listening)

*L: Ethics

Movement Activity

Movement starts with small steps for illness


READ: Illness and culture (Chap. 6-conclusion):

**A casebook (Disorder of self-control): (RA)Great pretenders by W. Rose

*L: Disorder of self-control

*L/W: Conduct and index interview

DUE: Interview Index

DUE: Abnormal psych. assignment


Week 3: Faith healing and illness within sociopolitical context

Tuesday (1/21)
Wednesday (1/22)
Thursday (1/23)
READ: Born again in Brazil:

**A casebook (Dissociative disorders)

*L: Dissociative disoders

*L: Religious experience

Movement Activity

*Bigger steps for illness narratives 


*W: Analyzing qualitative data

DUE: Bring transcribed interview

DUE: Progress report

DUE: Abnormal psych. assignment *Possible fieldtrip (PM)

Week 4: How do anxiety, fear, and following bliss influence our body, mind, and soul?

Tuesday (1/28)
Wednesday (1/29)y
Thursday (1/30) 
READ: A dance against time(chap1-14); **A casebook (Anxiety disorders)

*L: post-traumatic stress disorder

Obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorder

DUE: Abnormal psych. assignment

Movement Activity

*Movement with illness narrative


READ: A dance against time


*W: Analyze transcripts and develop themes

DUE: Progress Report


Week 5: Mind over body (cognitive therapy)

Tuesday (2/4)
Wednesday (2/5)
Thursday (2/6)
READ: Feeling good (intro-chap.14)

**A casebook (Mood disorders)

*L: Health psychology and major depressive disorder

DUE: Abnormal psych. assignment

Movement Activities

Finalize illness narrative movement


READ: Feeling good (chap.15-20)

Day of presence

*W: Art activity

*L: Jewish mysticism

DUE: Analysis of illness narrative (Essay)

Week 6: Up week for collaborative project work (no class)

Tuesday (2/11) 
Wednesday (2/12)
Thursday (2/13)
Heesoon, Kabby, and Lance available for consultation. Kabby and Lance available for consultation Lance available for consultation

Week 7: A child or elder’s place in a postmodern society

Tuesday (2/18)
Wednesday (2/19) 
Thursday (2/20) 
READ: Bee season

READ: **A casebook (Age-related disorders)


DUE: Abnormal psych. assignment

Movement Activities

DUE: Illness narrative group movement performance

*L/W: Emotional intelligence

*L: Islamic mysticism

DUE: Progress report

Possible fieldtrip on Sunday 2/23 to Gurudwara Singh Sabha in Renton.).

Week 8: Intrinsic and extrinsic sources for understanding body, mind, soul

Tuesday (2/25)
Wednesday (2/26)
Thursday (2/27)
READ: The conference of the birds: **A casebook (personality disorders)

*L: Antisocial personality disorder

DUE: Abnormal psych. assignment

Movement Activity READ:

*L/W: Characteristics of a healthy person 

*Inter-faith panel

Week 9: Integration of the quarter

Tuesday (3/4) 
Wednesday (3/5)
Thursday (3/6)
READ: The created self (intro-chap.11)

*Reflection: How would summarize your learning in abnormal psychology?

Movement Activity READ: The created self (Chap. 12-17)

*W: Integration

DUE: Collaborative research project 

DUE: Progress report

Fieldtrip to dance performance on 3/6, 7, 8, or 9th.

Week 10: Celebrating the quarter

Tuesday (3/11)
Wednesday (3/12)
Thursday (3/13)
DUE: Group creative presentations DUE: Group creative presentations DUE: Group creative presentations

DUE: Final program portfolio; self-evaluation

Final program potluck!

Week 11: Evaluation week

*Each student must attend a scheduled evaluation conference with his or her seminar faculty in order to receive credit. Students planning to graduate during the 2002-2003 academic year should consult with seminar faculty immediately about writing a ‘summative evaluation’ for your transcript.