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Fall Quarter Reading Lists

             Bernini                                                                                                          Picasso
"Apollo and Daphne" (1622-25)                                                          "Myrrhina and Kineseas"  (1934)

(The list is in the order of our reading.  Readings from the books with * mark will be assigned throughout the quarter.)

Euripides. "The Bacchae" in Euripides, Ten Plays. A new translation by Paul Roche. NY: Penguin Putnum.
Soyinka, Wole.  Euripides's Bacchae:  A Common Rite. NY - London:W.W. Norton

Hesse, Herman.  Narcissus and Goldmund. Trans. By Ursule Molinaro.  NY: Bantam Books.

Euripides. "Iphigenia at Aulis" and "Iphigenia Among the Taurians" in Euripides, Ten Plays.

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Iphigenia in Tauris.  Trans. By Charles Passage. Prospect Heights, Il.: Waveland Press.

Euripides. "Hippolytus" in Euripides, Ten Plays
Racine, Jean. Phaedra.  Trans. By Oreste Pucciani. Wheeling, Il. : Harlan Davidson.

Sophocles. "Eletctra". Sophocles, The Complete Plays. Trans. By Paul Roche. NY: Penguin Putnum.
Euripides. "Electra". Euripides: Ten Plays.
Sartre, Jean-Paul. "The Flies / Les Mouches" in No Exit and Three Other Plays. NY, Vintage Books.
Hoffmannsthal, Hugo von.  "Electra" (Liberetto for Richard Strauss' opera Electra).

Euripides. "Medea" in Euripides, Ten Plays.

Nietzsche, Friederich. The Birth of Tragedy.

* Graves, Robert.  The Greek Myths. (Complete Edition). NY: Penguin Putnum.

*Spivey, Nigel. Understanding Greek Sculpture: Ancient Meanings, Modern Readings. London, Thames and Hudson.

* Brown and McLean. Drawing from Life.  (This book is for the students who select the drawing component of the program for the Fall quarter.)

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