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Fall Quarter, 2002

Syllabus for Week X: Dec. 9 - 13

.Performance week:  your attendance at all performances is required.

Monday, December 9

                9:00 - Lecture Hall 2 --  Lysistrata

                10:00 -  Lecture Hall 2 --   Antigone

Wednesday, December 11

                9:00 - COM 110 -- The Clouds

              10:00 - COM 110 -- Ajax

               11:00 - COM 110 -- The Frogs

               12:00 - COM 110 -- Alcestis

Thursday, December 12

                9:00 -- CRC 1016 -- Trojan Women

                10:00  -  CRC 1016 -- The Libation Bearers

                11:00 - CRC 1016 -- Congress Women

                  1:00 - Lecture Hall 4 or 1 -- Phaedra

Reading for week I of Winter quarter: