The Classical Legacy
Winter Quarter Visual Art Project Description:
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Visual Art Project:
During the winter quarter, students in this project group will participate in the following activities.  The group will
meet each Wednesday (10 - 12) at the Drawing Studio in the Arts Annex for critique sessions.

Select and adopt as your master whose works you will likely see in museums in France and Italy and whose works
manifest classical legacy.  Hiro will offer recommendations.  (You need to decide by Wednesday of the second

    1)  Conduct research on your master, and write an analytical paper, a short biography, indepth stylistic analysis
of the
         master's representative works and a paragraph or two on how the works manifest classical legacy.  3 - 4
typed pages
         due on Wednesday of the 4th week.

    2)  Select 3 images, and do a series of studies (drawings) on each.  Begin this as soon as you decide on the
master, and
         plan to show them during the weekly critique sessions.

    3)  Do your own work based on the style of the master, minimum of two pieces in any medium.
          Select a subject for your work that is compatible with demonstrating your grasp of the works of the master:
          landscapes, still-life, etc.  The first of the two pieces must be completed by Wednesday of the 6th week, and
          second piece by Wednesday of the 10th week.  Class exhibition will be held on Thursday of the 10th week.