www.ott.doe.gov/rbep/ Regional Biomass Energy Program The RBEP is a government-funded group, which aims to increase the production and use of bioenergy resources. The group invests government funds in bioenergy, and works with private industry to identify market niches. This website contains information on bioenergy technologies, links to related sites, as well as publications highlighting successful RBEP programs.
Photobioreactor design Review of technology to grow microalgae for energy, pharmaceuticals, and food. Gives optimum dry weight production parameters for open and closed systems.
Technical University of Denmark Department of mechanical engineering: energy engineering Biomass Gasification Group
Summary: The universities web site is predominantly in Danish; however the biomass site has been fully translated. The group conducts research on thermal gasification of biomass, as well as the potential applications for biomass derived fuels and energy. The group aims to further the development of renewable technologies including: gas engines, Stirling engines, steam turbines, and gas turbines. The web site has great sections on the group’s research in the following fields: two-stage gasification, LT-CFB, IC engines, Gas Cleaning (wood gas), Computer modeling, fuel types. MD
(AEBIOM) European Biomass Association
Summary: “a group of national biomass associations with membership open to representatives of the European Union, Central and Eastern Europe.” The group works on an international level to boost European biomass production levels. The group does so by developing and publishing “global solutions”, coordinating international activities, assisting in the establishment of national associations. The group also promotes the transfer of modern biomass technologies to developing nations. The Web site includes the group’s publications including, position papers, the AEBIOM newsletter, and general articles. The site also has some great links to the sites of AEBIOM member’s sites. MD
An Introduction to Biogas
This site is useful because it clearly explains biogas production in understandable terms. There are slide shows that contain detailed information on anaerobic digestion and “plug-flow digesters.” The photo gallery is particularly helpful in showing the variety of bio-digesters built in the past. I like this site because it shows how diverse digesters are in relation to location, size and type of effluent being used. With a little ingenuity, one can build their own bio-digester for production of electricity and fertilizer. BB